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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Receives Harsh Message From King Charles
The King of England is making it clear to his son that he’s not going to be tolerating any more of his games. Not only that, but he’s also not interested in reconciling with him, even though the Duke of Sussex is doing everything he can on his end to make it happen.
But King Charles even made it clear back in 2019, and before all the Sussexit and royal drama began, that he wasn’t going to tolerate any of Harrys’ behavior. That’s when he released a photo of himself alongside the two future king of England: Prince William and Prince George.
Royal author and expert Robert Lacey suggests that this was King Charles’ way to show both Prince Harry and the world that he meant what he said when he talked about wanting a slimmed down monarchy.
That’s why he excluded both Prince Harry and his son Archie from the photo at the time.
Lacey put it this way, “What a fascinating and historic image to remind us of the essence of the royal system! The current monarch with three future monarchs. All the living heirs — and not a suggestion of a ‘spare.’”
AMP in the post
Royal Family News: What’s Next For The Duke Of Sussex?
“According to insiders, this formal photograph, taken in the Buckingham Palace Throne Room a week before Christmas 2019, was the idea of Prince Charles, anxious to promote his cause of the ‘slimmed-down monarchy.”
Lacey continued, “Palace sources have also let it be known that the plan of depicting the direct line of royal succession was enthusiastically supported by Prince William, which might be seen as sending his younger brother a message.”
Apparently, Prince Harry took the photo to heart at the same and was quite upset over it. For now, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.
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Editorial credit: Mr Pics /
I’m an American who can not understand why their titles haven’t been stripped yet. They go around presenting themselves as royal tourists, the king should have nipped it in the bud. Give those two an inch and they take a mile. All the while doing their, Privacy Tour.
I think that those who jump on the bandwagon, enthusiastically, at every opportunity to bash Harry and Meghan forget the level and frequency of harassment that Meghan received leading up to their marriage and after it. The press was relentless, racist, and vulgar, and despite being asked to help, and begged to step in, the Royals did nothing. And their vile behavior, and hatred towards Meghan and now Harry, certainly illustrate their arrogance, and duplicity in the attacks. When a Columnist suggested Meghan be paraded around London, naked, and people throw feces at her, Camilla invited him, her friend, to lunch!!! They’re all pompous asses and Harry is best to stay away from them.
I agree!
Megx is the vulgar one. She is the one that calls wolf and her feeling get hurt from her own mistakes. How can anyone be kind to someone that intended to hurt a family member. Said things that were half truths and plain lies. She has twisted and turn story after story and wonders why people don’t like her. Now she using her children to demand thing.
I am sorry Megx is the kind of person that crys and then peeks over her fingers to see who is watching.
This was a few journalists… So its Racist Britain please… They are the problem… You don’t know of Harry’s history his volitile personality, his failings, lying and blaming others has been his behaviour since small…hes never been trusted.. This family knows him and now does the world… They are no longer covering up for him… Get rid of the Dim one permanently.
The issue is much larger than it appears at first glance. Its an issue for all of us. Do we come from our inner emotions or from our outer cukturally instilled ideas about right and wrong.
Harry comes more from his heart and feelings; Charles from his head and culturally instilled ideas.
King Edward VIII faced the same issue when he abdicated.
Our emotions ( the deeper more real ones)) are messages from God…Divine guidance. But we live in a left brain masculine, ego- identified world culture that is outer-directed and sick.
We need the right brain, Feminine Inner Direction that Harry is reaching for. Charles is killing himself with his lack of understanding and forgiveness Cancer is caused by long held grudges/ resentmrnt…which Charles does often.
The press shoukd get off Harry and Meghans backs.
What causes cancer now? Have you made some scientific breakthrough no on has heard of? Your ignorant comment is tone deaf not to mention just plain gross. Read a book.
I know totally ridiculous.. Harry is Rotton to his core… But he’s still here..
Actually Charles is sensitive.. Harry was always the nasty one. He hides it well… But his history of racism… Laughing at disabled people… Drug taking.. Fighting in the street.. He had a problem all his life same as his mum.. Just nasty… He hides it, Diana hid it…mental illness is hard.. But people know their history.. Go learn..
Well said x
Cancer is caused by grudges what an awful thing to say you are so wrong shut up.
Hi! I’m an American. Based on the media I’ve seen, I think Harry is a whiny brat. The Royal Family has always been exceedingly private. Harry blew the doors off with his book. Disclosing all the information that he did just blew the doors off. I do not blame King Charles for his actions. However, family is important and I hope, with time, the rift will heal. Archie and Lilibet deserve grandparents.
Pardon me, I did not mean to repeat myself!
I think the biggest problem is Camilla. King Charles can not or will not cross her. He can’t spend time with his son while she plans a garden party that very weekend. William is so bitter, he can’t wait to be in total control. Watch out, he won’t care who he hurts. I used to really like William. Catherine has softened him. All of the wives control the whipped husbands.
No not true the Royals suffered years of Harry.. They won’t take it lightly.. They know him well.. Whatever happens be sure he deserves it..
I’m with you A Mentiin.