Prince Harry Snubbing King Charles’ Coronation Risks Deadly Blow To Royal Relationship!

Royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have not yet decided whether to attend King Charles’ coronation. But an expert warns that not attending the event could mean a fatal blow to Harry’s relationship with the royal family. However, because the coronation falls on their son’s birthday, the couple might risk staying home.

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Find out what a royal family expert shared about the fallout if Harry doesn’t go to his father’s coronation. And learn what demands he and Meghan made if they do attend the event. Get all the royal details below.

Prince Harry Risks ‘Irreversible Blow’ To Royal Relationships

A royal family expert issued a warning to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And the expert described what could happen if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex decide to skip King Charles’ coronation.

Although Meghan and Harry did get their invitations to the ceremony on May 6, the couple still can’t decide if they want to travel 5,459 miles from their California mansion to London. But experts warn that the delay means that the two will get a “cold shoulder” from senior members of the royal family, according to Page Six.

King Charles’ coronation will mark a historical event. As a result, the ceremony will receive world-wide coverage. And that means Meghan’s and Harry’s absence would definitely get noticed. But some experts speculate that Markle could use the fact that coronation day coincides with Prince Archie’s 4th birthday as a reason to snub the occasion. 

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However, if Harry doesn’t go, it could result in a “fatal” rift with his royal family relatives, warns an expert. “In a universe in which the damage already caused by the rift is still recoverable from, at least in part, a no-show would be the fatal, irreversible blow,” claimed royal public relations expert Edward Coram-James. And the expert warned that the deadly blow would hurt Harry and Meghan “both in the public perception as well, potentially, as within the family itself. It risks drawing out the conflict over the long term,” added Coram-James.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Make Coronation Day Demands

But as the palace preps for coronation day, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex prepare their own list of demands for the occasion. For instance, Harry and Meghan want to see their children acknowledged during the royal festivities. And their demands don’t stop with attention for Prince Archie, who will celebrate his 4th birthday on coronation day, and Princess Lilibet, age 1.

Even though Meghan and Harry feel upset that Archie and Lilibet did not get coronation invitations, they want some of the spotlight. And the two have pushed to get included on a very select list. That list reveals who can stand on the Buckingham Palace balcony on coronation day. But royal rules clearly state that privilege is limited to working members of the royal family.

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And Coram-James added that Harry “would draw as much, if not more, media attention” if he skips the big day. “It would give further oxygen to the rift and allegations that the Sussexes have leveled at the royal family,” pointed out the royal expert. “And the shadow of their absence would loom large over the entire ceremony, risking becoming the elephant in the room and an unwanted sideshow.”

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should attend the coronation? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Zeynep Demir Aslim /

Duke of SussexKing CharlesKing Charles CoronationPrince HarryRoyal Family News
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  • Nicholes

    Go or not go – both choices not good. It’s their doing. I have no sympathy for the bind they created and find themselves experiencing. However, considering the options- Harry should go alone, be on his best behavior and show total deference and respect for the royal family, regardless of what’s shown him. It’s a huge opportunity for him to demonstrate maturity, pride, and an acceptance of all that’s said and done during coronation. It’s not about him. Regardless of what he may think – no complaints- no whining, be cordial, polite and accepting of all. Then, bid polite goodbyes and come quietly back home to Cali. A Maturity and show of adult behavior frm Harry needs to carry the day & through out his time in England. It’s way past time the world glimpsed respectful adult behavior from him- long overdue. There’s no better time for him to deliver than the King’s coronation.

    • Donna

      My personal opinion is that until Charles and William make things right with Harry and Meghan, the Sussexes should stay home in the US. The Brits are no longer worthy of them if they ever were. Besides, this is the beginning of the end for the monarchy….THANK GOODNESS!!!

  • Sharon Wolfe

    They should go to the coronation

  • Rosemary

    I think the Royals could care less about them attending. The Coronation will go on, British people don’t care if they show because all they would want is the publicity and say how boo who they were treated because the couldn’t stand on the balcony. Better off without them. Titles of Harry, wifey and children need to be stripped.