Prince Harry To Apologize For His Cocaine Use?

As much as he just wants to leave it all in the past, the past just keeps on coming back. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry is being urged to apologize for his past cocaine use just as he and Meghan Markle are about to embark on their trip to Colombia.

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Royal Family News – Prince Harry To Apologize For His Cocaine Use?

According to the Daily Beast, the Duke of Sussex is being urged to acknowledge the devastating impact of drug use before he and Meghan take on their tour of Colombia, which is set to kick off on Thursday of this week.

Now, whether or not he actually does it, remains to be seen but one source close to the situation even puts it this way, Harry admitted to doing coke in his book (Spare).”

“His trip to Colombia should include an admission that the country has been destroyed by narco-terrorists servicing wealthy drug users in the west, and he should stand up and apologize for his own participation in that disgusting trade. That would be a helpful intervention.”

Even though the UK has its fair share of problems right now, many royalists are still pointing out that Colombia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, as it has a very high murder rate and the drug cartel rules the streets.

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Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince Harry And Meghan Markle?

But that doesn’t seem to matter to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as they are going to visit the country anyway in the hopes that they can highlight the best of what Colombia has to offer, just like when they went to Nigeria this past week.

In a statement announcing the tour, the government said that Harry and Meghan were going as part of their “global leadership in fostering a safer online environment.”

They are also set to attend a conference dedicated to ending violence against children, which will take place in Colombia but later this year.

So far both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not made any comments about the matter just yet. Watch this space.

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Editorial credit: I T S /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMeghan MarklePrince HarryPrince WilliamRoyals NewsThe Royal FamilyThe Royal family News
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  • Giovina

    Get rid of the imposters jealous immature disrespectful liars who need to loose the titles they have Just who do they think they are they will be laughed at when Harry is asked to leave USA again lies Such a shame when they could’ve had it all.
    The Queen mums inheritance won’t last forever in their lifestyle and megain is using up all the benefits asap because she knows she is a failure

  • Pat

    Harry should be on his knees for forgiveness from his family and divorce the unstable witch

  • noellastober

    H should not have to apoligize for using cocain he should just have fessed up to it immediately and he could have taught others why not to do it It could have been so simple instead it is another failing of the two morons