Prince Harry Urges Fans to Unleash ‘Superpower’ While Insulting Everyone Who Doesn’t Think Like Him

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How is it that anyone in their right minds is listening to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle these days? The Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue to make media appearances ad nauseum, lecturing, and peaching their message of social justice, mental health, gender equality, and environmentalist.

The only problem is that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle both have been caused over and again behaving in a “Do as I say, not as I do” manner. Meghan and Harry have thus been called out over their intense hypocrisy in just about every category of topics on which they choose to frequently opine.

Moreover, it’s not just Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s hypocrisy that people ought to be upset about. It’s the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan are being treated like authority figures and experts on the subjects listed above and one has to ask why. Neither Prince Harry nor Meghan Markle ever went to school to receive degrees in the subjects of climate change, conservationism, intersectionality, mental health, or anything else upon which they’ve presumed to moralize.

Prince Harry Admonishes Queen’s Commonwealth Members

One of the more recent examples of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s sermonizing occurred during a video call with one of Queen Elizabeth’s charities, known as the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust (QCT).

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“I think just as much as six years ago or maybe a little bit longer, you were talking about how mental health is a sign of weakness and it’s not,” said Prince Harry. “Just as much as the vulnerability was supposedly a weakness but it’s not. If we are all able to show our vulnerabilities, it doesn’t mean that you’re weak if anything, I believe it shows your strength. If you’re so in touch with your emotions that you know where you are on each day that’s a superpower.”

Of course, while Prince Harry’s words seem admirable, one has to wonder what lecturing on mental health has to do with the stated mission of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. For example, projects for the QCT (which Harry and Meghan seem clueless on) include plugging the skills gap for graduates to drive successful school-to-work transition, Using critical thinking as a force for positive change, and Providing mobile classrooms for children in Nigeria.

Meghan Markle then followed Prince Harry’s statements to the young video call participants with word salad. “To expand it beyond your mental health, it’s so much bigger than that.

“It’s not just what’s going on in your head, it’s what is going on in here and people really acknowledging that you’re having an entire experience as a human being and it’s not just going to be what’s going on in your head. It’s a fully emotional experience and that’s why we not only focus on the digital space but the emotional wellbeing that you speak of.”

It’s All About Community For Meghan Except It’s Not

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During the call with the young adults of the QCT, Meghan made much of the idea of community. For example, Meghan Markle said, “People are going online more than ever before to feel community. Everyone’s mental and emotional wellbeing is perhaps more fragile than ever before, certainly with COVID and our dependability on devices right now in the absence of human interaction.”

Of course, Meghan Markle isn’t really known for promoting “community” in her own life. She couldn’t bring herself even to go to a “mommy meet up” with Prince Archie because … she’s just too famous. One has to wonder why Meghan couldn’t just do a “mommy meet up” with other celeb moms if she feels regular folks aren’t the types she wants to build a community with. Apparently, Meghan would actually rather hang out on Zoom than slum it up with normal people (like some of her own family members).

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Archie, and The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Loopy Cooney

    They can act like they do because the media keeps reporting story after story after story about them. Doesn’t matter if it’s a good story or not. If one of them farts, it’s a big story in the media. Leave them alone and see how fast they disappear. Can’t be too soon for me.