Prince Harry Won’t Ever Forgive King Charles For THIS ‘Hateful’ Decision!

A new royal family report reveals that Prince Harry has decided that he won’t ever forgive his father King Charles for a recent action. And the Duke of Sussex also views his father’s decision as hateful. 

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Find out what King Charles did that made Harry so upset. And learn what a royal expert revealed. Get all the details below.

Prince Harry ‘Hates’ King Charles

Ever heard a small child in the midst of a temper tantrum tell a parent that they’ll never forgive them? Well, a new report via Page Six claims that Prince Harry will “never forgive” his father King Charles for removing his honorary military titles.

And royal biographer Robert Jobson claimed that Harry views Charles’ decision as “hate-filled.” Author of “Our King: The Man and the Monarch Revealed,” Jobson shared that the Duke of Sussex “hates” that his estranged dad stripped him of his military titles after Harry exited from royal life in 2020.

After serving two tours of Afghanistan, Harry took pride in his honorary military titles. Those titles included commodore-in-chief of small ships and diving, honorary air commandant of RAF Honington, and captain general of the Royal Marines. And before her death, Queen Elizabeth awarded the titles to Harry.

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Prince Harry Won’t Forgive King Charles

However, when Harry quit his role as a senior working member of the royal family in February 2021, he lost those titles. As a result, the Duke of Sussex “hates the idea that he is not captain general of the Royal Marines. And he hates the fact that he’s lost all these positions,” revealed Jobson.

But the royal expert believes that Harry lost out on an opportunity to contribute to his country. And Jobson shared that if Harry had stayed in the royal family and not quit, he would have proved “hugely beneficial to the country. And he could have done even more.”

But Jobson cautioned that Harry views losing his honorary military titles as a sensitive topic. And he has shown no indications of forgiving King Charles. Moreover, just last month, Harry’s profile page changed and he lost the title of His Royal Highness on the website.

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Prince Harry Can Keep Duke Of Sussex Title

In addition, both Harry and his wife Meghan Markle discovered that the royal family moved their names near the bottom of the main royal family website. That put them below all the working members of the royal family. And they ranked only above disgraced Prince Andrew.

However, Jobson predicted that King Charles will not take the step of removing the titles, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, from Harry and Meghan. Those titles represent a special gift from Queen Elizabeth. And despite Harry’s displeasure over losing his honorary military titles, he did agree to give up his royal privileges when he stepped down from his royal duties in 2020.

Meghan and Harry promptly packed their bags soon after exiting their royal responsibilities. And after a visit to Canada, the couple settled in their current mansion in Montecito, California.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Prince Harry refusing to forgive King Charles? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /

Duke of SussexKing CharlesPrince HarryRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News
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  • Johnkyser

    I have no sympathy for the prince and his American lady, they could have stayed in Canada or another Commonwealth county that has King Charles as head of state and done requested duties and avoided telling all books and interviews or stayed in the UK doing royal duties

    • Janet Griffin

      True buct perhlaps Prince Harry found a catalyst in Megan that brought out all the loneliness and frustration he has been feeling all his life. Instead of accepting life as previously lived he started the blame game. Often those that use drugs and alcohol ro excess have an emotional stint and cannot move on. He needs asponsor to guide him to a healthy outlook on lice similar to AA. Doubt he will get it aa the press follows him to closely and he has an enabler in his wife.

    • Mary

      I think they might have stayed in Canada – except Covid was shutting down the border from Canada into the US. Meghan’s mother is in the US. The world was unstable and no one knew if or when travel restrictions would be lifted.

      I always felt they could have been “part-time” royals, dealing with the Americas and the occasional “other trips”. I also feel they tried many times to express what was happening to Meghan. But the “aristocracy” has its nose so high it can’t relate to the proletariat. Charles is hurt and angry. So are the Sussexes. They didn’t handle things smoothly, but to be fair, there wasn’t a path to follow. If Charles really cared, he’d come to see the Sussexes in CA.

  • Mary

    He didn’t leave, he was kicked out by William, so he shouldn’t lose his titals

  • Eljo

    It’s as if Prince Harry forgets all the terrible things he has said and done to his father, brother and other family members.
    My mother use to say it’s the pot calling the kettle black.
    In his mind he can say whatever he pleases but don’t take anything away from me. Time to grow up Harry. What goes around, comes around.

    • Dani

      More people should be thinking in this way. After all he has said and done to the UK and family he should be making a list of public apologies he needs to make.

      The Monarchy is a big part of the UK and he has done so much to destroy it. You can’t leave your country but expect to wear the titles and medals…. is it ego that drives Harry to fight against the Monarchy but hold tight fisted to titles for himself and family… why else would he want titles from a country/family he hates.

  • Angela Jones

    I think it is disgusting how a father is treating his son. Their is only one king and that’s JESUS

  • Jane

    Prince Harry acts like a spoiled little coddled prince! Time for the baby boy to grow up and take responsibility for all the hate and venom he has spewed over other members of the Royal Family. He thinks he can publicly bash everyone and still be respected and adored. News flash, Harry! Life doesn’t work that way. You burned major bridges and now you have to repair them if there is enough material left to repair things. You are on thin, thin ice with the public and your family. Time to wise up!!! A little humility coupled with apology could MAYBE put things right!!

  • Patty Alexander

    Harry it’s your fault stop blaming and look at yourself and your wife You left because of her so I feel you should lose everything

    • Mary

      When someone is trashing your spouse, you support your spouse. It’s well documented that the British media behaved in a racist manger towards Meghan. She and Harry told “HR”. They were told to suck it up. Nothing Meghan did was good enough. She was trashed for everything. Often she was criticized for clothing – which was most exactly like what Kate had worn. Meghan is black and American. Those are 2 strikes. A 3rd is as an American, the “being seen but not heard” feels childish. She was used to living on her own and running her own life. I think she tried to make it work but as usual, The Firm wasn’t going to give an inch.

      They left. And then the attacks became louder. Harry wrote a book telling his side. So he and William had a tussle. The Horror! William is a wuss if he’s mortified by that. Sounds like semi-formal behavior between brothers. William has been in the states several times since Harry left the UK. But he hasn’t visited his brother. If he can’t rise above the fray, William is too petty to be King. So is Charles.

      • annette

        You don’t know whqat you are talking about..were you there?

  • Martha

    And let’s all forget about the lies of birthing two children that we are all stupidly supposed to believe! Harry and Markle do the utmost crazy stunts I have ever heard of. But just forget about it all… they were just playing games…YEAH, RIGHT!!!

  • Debby

    Get your story straight. Queen Elizabeth removed his titles NOT KC. The website was just way behind in updating it self.