Prince Harry’s Destructive Attitude Towards The Press Would Have Left Mom, Princess Diana Aghast

What would Princess Diana, a paragon of decency, the epitome of grace, think of her son Harry’s current vendetta against the media she so loathed?

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Believe it or not, one of her friends asserts that Diana would not approve of the ham-handed way in which he is dealing with some of her worst enemies.

If Harry thinks that his hostility against the media is serving his late mother’s memory in any way, he is mistaken according to Daily Mail writer Richard Kay.

Some Think That Prince Harry Is Not Acting In A Way Diana Would Have Approved Of

Kay recalls an ugly run-in with the media that Diana had 24 years ago in which she was so upset she was left in tears. Diana nonetheless composed herself and soon after went about her duties, visiting a homeless charity.

Kay says, “What she didn’t do was announce that because of such treatment she would never again co-operate with the media.”

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His statement is a direct jab at Harry who is fresh off announcing that neither he nor his wife will cooperate with four major UK media outlets, ostensibly because they were unfair to them.

Harry And Meghan Are Treading Heavily Where Diana Treaded Delicately

According to Kay, Harry and Meghan’s decision to boycott the press is, “self-serving” and ill-timed, coming at a time when the world is concerned with life and death matters at their back door, not his hissy fit about how the tabs are, “distorted, false and invasive beyond reason,” toward the pair.

Diana chose to respond to much the same treatment from the press in a much different manner said Kay, “I was witness to many of those meltdown moments when the ruthlessness of the paparazzi who followed her day and night reduced her to tears of frustration and despair.”

Harry Has Changed In Recent Years In Drastic Ways

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Kay also notes that Harry’s extreme behavior is not just directed at the press, but also toward his own family saying that Harry has not yet split from his family but he has come very close; Last year Harry changed telephone numbers and neglected to tell his family in a timely manner.

Kay ends by saying what many others have—that Harry and Meghan are in for a harsh new reality in L.A. If Harry thought of the UK press as disrespectful, how will he deal with the fact that the U.S.’s unregulated paparazzi will be even more of an unwelcome problem?

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Kenya Sanders

    Yes i mean he messed up giving up his title now they live in LA. seems to me he is trying to please Megan his wife and give her and his son a good life