Prince William and Kate Declare Queen Sent Five Rainbows, Family Knew She was Looking Over Them

British royal family news shows that the monarchy and the nation is in mourning for its longest reigning regent, Queen Elizabeth. Her Majesty died on September 8, at her Balmoral estate, with Prince Charles and her daughter the Anne the Princess Royal by her side.

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There is a sea change taking place now, but in the midst of the sorrow, signs of comfort and joy have been noticed by the royals. Here’s what Kate, the Princess of Wales said recently about a sign she believed came directly from the queen.

Royal Family News – Princess Kate Speaks Out

Kate and William were at an event to thank those who helped to stage Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral in Windsor this Monday. At that time Kate revealed that she believed, “the late Queen was looking down on them when five rainbows appeared in the sky over Balmoral.”

Her husband William the Prince of Wales, noted of the gobsmacking sight: “In Scotland, how many rainbows turned up? You hardly ever see rainbows up there, but there were five.” Kate smiled and said, “Her Majesty was looking down on us.”

Royal Family News – Kate Sees The Queen In A Rainbow

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This was the first in person official event for the Prince and Princess of Wales since the state funeral. Clearly, the late monarch was still on their minds as they shared another tidbit about her. According to the Daily Mail, “William said he found himself choked up when he saw Paddington Bear tributes to his grandmother, but had found comfort in the public outpouring of support for the Royal Family.”

Royal Family News – Paddington Bear Tributes To The Queen

Queen Elizabeth reigned for 70 years and on Sunday rainbows were also seen over Windsor Castle. Around 250,000 mourners waited hours in line to see Her Majesty’s casket, and many saw the lovely rainbows as well.

Additionally, the Elizabeth Tower, which houses Big Ben, was also treated to the arching rainbows overhead.

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Royal Family News – William Is Grieving His Grandmother

William told the assemblage, “It is the things you don’t expect that get to you,” noting that he got emotional over the Paddington Bear tributes: “It is always very comforting that so many people care. It makes it a lot better. There are certain moments that catch you out. You are prepared for all but certain moments catch you out.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: LINGTREN.COM /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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