Prince William And Kate Middleton’s Legal Battle – 5 Reasons Why They Shouldn’t Sue Tatler Magazine

Prince William and Kate Middleton have decided to take legal action against Tatler Magazine after they decided to publish a profile that doesn’t shine a bright light on the Duchess. In fact, some believe that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are better off ignoring the piece, even if it is covered in supposed ‘lies.’ Here are just five reasons why the royal couple shouldn’t take the publication to court.

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#1 Too Sensitive Towards Criticism?

While there’s no doubt that the monarchy is one of the most beloved but also the most criticized institutions in the world, this move might make Prince William and Kate Middleton look too sensitive. While they are in a position in which they can do a lot of things, the one thing they can’t do is censor the media or try to control what is said about them. When it comes to public opinion, this move won’t look good in their favor.

#2 Another Unnecessary Media War

The last time Prince William and Kate Middleton waged a war against the tabloid media was back when the paparazzi took photos of Kate sunbathing while topless at a private estate in Southern France. While the Duchess of Cambridge has said very little about the ordeal, it was Prince William who hinted that the experience along with the invasion or privacy left the couple incredibly upset and humiliated over the ordeal for a very long time. Should William and Kate decide to take this matter to court, there’s a very good chance that Tatler Magazine might also come prepared with an ace up their sleeve. Is that something the royal family wants to deal with right now?

#3 It Proves That Reputation Is All That Matters

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For Prince William and Kate Middleton, they know that there is a lot of responsibility on their shoulders right now as they are the one royal couple expected to lead the monarchy to a better and brighter future. As the future King of England and Queen Consort, they know that they will have to show the world that they have what it takes to become leaders of the British monarchy. But by threatening legal action against a publication over one profile that makes the Duchess look bad, this just proves that they believe their reputation is far more important than the duty to the crown. Of course, that’s probably not the case behind closed doors, but to the public, it sure looks like it.

#4 It Makes The Duke And Duchess Look Thin-Skinned

Many royal fans and observers have pointed out that the Duchess of Sussex had been attacked by the media for almost two years that she was in London but only decided to take legal action herself after she had had enough. After all, there is only so much hatred and vitriol that one can take before doing something about it, right? Seeing how this Meghan only responded after the media went too far by publishing a private letter than she wrote to her father back in the summer of 2018, this might make Prince William and Kate Middleton look too thin-skinned, as they are already making a threat after just one bad profile.

#5 They  Don’t Need This Kind Of Stress Right Now

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With everything going on in the world right now: the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the economic carnage and the job loss following the mandated lockdowns in countries all over the world and now the protests that have taken the streets of major cities like New York City, Washington D.C. and even London, Prince William and Kate Middleton certainly don’t need this kind of stress right now.

That’s because there are definitely more important things to worry about, like the fact that their three children haven’t been to school in many months now and the possibility of a second coronavirus wave. Of course, fans will simply have to wait and see what William and Kate will decide to do next.

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