Prince William Has Only Visited Kate Middleton One Time At The Hospital

Is there something serious going on behind the scenes? That’s what a lot of royal fans can’t help but wonder and ask as there’s a new report that suggests Prince William may not be the caring, supportive husband that he wants everyone to believe that he is.

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That’s because the future king of England has only visited his wife at the hospital once since it was reported that Kate Middleton had undergone abdominal surgery. What’s going on here? Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince William Has Only Visited Kate Middleton One Time At The Hospital

Because there are so many photographers that are currently camped out of The London Clinic right now, it’s easy to keep tabs of who is going in and who is leaving the facility.

Ever since a statement was released about Kate Middleton’s condition and how she would be in the hospital for the next two weeks, Prince William has only reportedly visited The London Clinic one time.

Now, that’s not to say that the Prince of Wales isn’t following up with his wife or taking care of her needs. The couple also have three young children at home: Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

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So there’s no doubt that Prince William is trying his best to split his time between his wife and his children who are still at home. It’s certainly not easy, but it’s a job that someone has to do.

At the same time, a lot of people think that the Prince of Wales should put in more of an effort to be my his wife’s bed side, especially if she needs him the most right now. After all, she just had surgery.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Kate Middleton?

But then again, the media will always have something to say about Prince William and what he does and what he’s not doing enough of.

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As far as Kate Middleton’s health is concerned, we will update you with all of the latest details as they come in. Watch this space.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: simon123 /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Judywidger

    I’m sure he’s FaceTiming every day…I’m also sure he’s trying to stay away from the news media following his every move going to and from the hospital.

  • G

    My opinion, kids are in school, he’s not doing royal duties , I think Kate has mental problems just like Diana, Meghan and they the Royal family are finally listening to these women, you can only take so much , she so thin . Even her mom not visiting which maybe the doctors doctors don’t want any one there so they can’t help her . There no surgery that keeps you in the hospital that long . Bless you Kate and glad you’re getting help , as they didn’t for Meghan or princess Diana and look what happened to her . Also don’t they have service people and chefs to take care of the children? No one likes to talk about mental health, but it real ❣️❣️❣️❤️‍❤️‍

    • Gillian

      There are several surgeries that require a two week hospitalisation, followed by lengthy convalescence!!
      To jump onto the mental bandwagon is so unfair when there is nothing pointing to that conjecture!

      • Brer

        Well said!

  • noellastober

    Instead of trying to figure out, with all the ugliness surrounding you why the prince has not seen Kate but once could be because he has much to do His dad is also in the hospital, his kids need tending to, he has to pick up all the extra chores at work since there is a bit of a hole with royals not being able to work and btw he needs to get some sleep so he can do it all again tomorrow. Instead of reading stupidity in all of this, give the man a break He is fine with his wife and family members, just let him do his job I do not think he needs to be burdened with the rest of the bs Put y ourself in his shoes, what would you do??????????????????

    • Katherine Dixon

      People have a need to tend to their own business and leave the Royals alone. Sickness come to them as it do
      Eveyone else. They are human as we are. One thing I feel that Harry did was made a mistake when he got involved with Megan. Megan is a user. It is all about her and what she wants. It is not about Harry or the kids.She is nothing about the Royals ,she is all about her. Harry need to take his children and move on and for get he ever knew her. She is not fitting to be apart of the royal family. She got what she wanted from him to be apart of the royal family but is she really. She is a royal disgrace to the royal family and every black that she thinks she represents. Harry you need to divorce her and move on. She is no worth your love. She use you to add a nother notch to being important. I would love to be your sister right now because she would get messed up big time. Divorce her and take your children and move on. A many prayers for you and your children. She doesn’t deserve you. Please move on.

  • Giovina

    Leave them alone again the media wants to be seen. This is to STOP the media from snooping let them say what they wish and leave the families to their own lives

  • Gillian

    The hospital has a rear entrance.

    • Meg

      Yes. He may be going in in different cars. Who knows? Certainly not the media@