Prince William Is Failing At The Royal PR Game

Royal Family News says that a lot of people can agree that this hasn’t been a very good week for Prince William.

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And that’s all because of his decision not to fly out to Australia to support the Lady Lionesses in the World Cup Final against Spain.

Unfortunately, Team England lost the match but the bigger loser happens to be the Prince of Wales. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince William – Is Failing At The Royal PR Game

Prince William is failing at the royal PR game. By now, everyone can agree that the ‘Work Shy Willy’ reputation is not going to go away, especially since he keeps on making excuses and trying to get out of royal engagements.

As the president of the British Football Association, a lot of people say that Prince William should have been in Australia for the Women’s World Cup Final.

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But sources say that one of the reasons he did not go was because of royal protocol. As King Charles if the head of the monarchy, he is the one who should visit Australia first, but only if he is invited by the Australian government.

And that just hasn’t happened yet, which is why the Prince of Wales did not travel to Australia for the government.

Yet, some people have pointed out that Princess Anne has traveled to New Zealand and Canada ahead of her brother, King Charles.

So, do the rules just apply to one person and not the other? That’s what royal critics want to know.

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What’s Next For Prince William And His PR Game?

Either way, this is not a good look for Prince William and especially since Queen Letizia did manage to fly to Australia to help support the Spanish side.

If that weren’t enough, she was also there to console the Lady Lionesses after their loss. That, of course, should have been Prince William’s job.

Now, whether or not Prince William will keep making excuses about why or why he didn’t show up to certain royal engagements and functions remains to be seen.

But for now it’s pretty clear that he needs a new PR strategy before this one goes bust.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Deborah

    Their life is not a game. The rest is ahige PUBLICITY STUNT . P R I’d running off over time.