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Prince William Is Refusing To Bring Kate Middleton On His Future Trips

Prince William is refusing to bring his wife Kate Middleton on any of his future trips. That’s because she manages to steal his thunder each and every time they are together.

The Prince of Wales has gotten so upset over how Kate Middleton has been the media focus during each one of their trips together that he’s decided the best thing to do would be to keep her at home. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince William Is Refusing To Bring Kate Middleton On His Future Trips

According to the Daily Report, it seems like one of the reasons why Prince William doesn’t want his wife around for any of his future royal engagements is because he is tired of the media constantly focusing on what she is wearing and nothing else.

Prince William Is Refusing To Bring Kate Middleton On His Future Trips

It’s a similar problem that his father King Charles once had when he was still married to Princess Diana. The media would only focus on her and leave Charles out of the limelight altogether.

One expert even put it this way, Prince William has noticed that all his wife has to do is wear something expensive, affordable, fancy, shiny, or new during royal engagements, and she will get headlines for days. Middleton does not have pressure to deliver great speeches, fight for causes, or engage with politicians, world leaders, or business people.”

Royal Family News: William Wants To Keep Kate At Home

It seems like the Prince of Wales is so upset with the media focusing more on his wife than on him that he’s just refusing to bring her along to any of his future trips.

The royal expert said, “It seems that Prince William has decided that Middleton’s sparkle is a problem for him, and will therefore leave her behind as often as possible as he tries to make his mark as the next King of England.”

So far Kensington Palace has not made any comments about the matter. At the same time, it doesn’t seem like Kate Middleton is complaining about it, either.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Liv Oeian /

  1. Carmen says

    They will never be happy.Princess Kate is an asset.Now I can understand that he doesn’t want to take her because they have small children at home plus she has enough she can do in England.But should say that not that the media likes her better at doing it bothers him.Plus there are certain events they should be together regardless.

  2. Franklin says

    Just like his father, he will start treating her like Charles did to Diana. He’s nothing but a spoiled Bratt, Harry will be more man then he ever will, I don’t think Kate will allow her self to be treated like that, that’s not love thats control in his eyes he just admitted she is not his equal

  3. Mo says

    If Prince William is jealous of his wife, it seems to me he’s a spoiled brat and wants what he wants because he’s going to be a future king. That’s how he’s been groomed. I believe what Prince Harry said about him in spare is true. William just cant get over that Harry exposed his bad behavior. It probably happens more often than reported. Does anyone wonder why he is still not talking to his brother. Siblings disagree all the time and they don’t hold grudges and refuse to talk to each other. Prince William does not have compassion and if I were Harry, I’d stay away too.

  4. Laura says

    It has to be Prince Williams teasing. I’m sure the young Prince is very proud of the beautiful, articulate, smart woman he chose to be his wife. They are a darling couple, please don’t let the gossip mongrels start mean rumors.

    1. Riki says

      Agree 100% This is just stuff made up so people will read Garbage.

    2. Dionyssia says

      Articulate and Kate Middleton should not be used in the same sentence. She is as thick as a plank.

  5. Catherine says

    Is he really that insecure with himself. Don’t be a jerk like your father. Remember what he did to your mother. Be the man you. Need to be as the future king of England

  6. Bonita Geckler says

    Prince William needs to take his wife Catherine with him on trips. Just Remember Prince William what happened to your parents. Divorced and your mum gone in a year. You need also accept your brother Prince Harry apology and everything he has done. I can’t believe that the most famous Sons of Princess Diana are acting like this. You know if Princess Diana was still alive she would have them straightened out in no time and this would not have happened to her sons. Charles needs to get a back bone and straighten all this out!!! Rant Over

  7. Pamela says

    Bollocks! They both put their children first and it’s best whenever possible to have one parent at home. And, she has lots of engagements on her calendar which she attends when he’s gone. Sick of media just making up stories to keep relevant …a very Markle move.

    1. Barbie Michael says

      Right on! People are reading into those. They’re comparing him to his father, and the way he treated Diana… People have to remember that Diana was her own worst enemy… She loved the spotlight, and Charles was trying to do his job and that’s exactly what Williams trying to do… Because let’s face it he’s gonna be king in the probably in the next 10 years… Charles is what 70 something… And just look at his hands, he’s got some serious health issues going on… So, the media is just focusing on what Catherine is wearing and not, and the actual reason for the trip… Besides, she’s got three kids and like you said she’s got her ownevent to attend… And I believe that William and Catherine are great team and she’s probably happy because she hates taking long trips… so people need to calm down and stop looking for something nefarious in his decision.

  8. Sandra says

    We already know he’s a cheater just like his father. Now we also know he’s as jealous as his father was. He and his father deserve each other, truly. I just hope this does not lead to another beloved future Queen incident like Diana’s! There is no room for this behavior in any marriage and he need to grow his spoiled ass up. I’m proud of Harry for seemingly getting out while the getting was good. Such a shame, this situation.

  9. V says

    I think y’all are full of .
    If he actually said this it was in a teasing manner.
    His beautiful wife is always an asset & he knows it.
    Neither are jealous of the other, they work as a unit.
    She has been making appearances the entire time was away.
    She constantly deals with the Heads of Corporations, Foreign Heads of State, Non-Profits helping setting them up.
    She has been doing all of this since she became in involved with the Royal Family.
    She has never sought the limelight or felt the need to jump in front of cameras.

  10. Christina says

    Well goes to show how he is stuck on himself and is a snob. Grow up and suck it up. You should be greatful that you have a wife that takes pride in how she looks which is a compliment for you. Another guy that wants all the glory.

    1. Barbie Michael says

      … I can’t believe that you are seeing such a thing about William! He has a job to do, it’s not Catherine’s fault. It’s the medias fault, and even Catherine doesn’t wanna go on these trips… Because, people like you want to see what she’s wearing… Gives a damn? They’re just close… She’s a beautiful lady. She doesn’t need to put on a different dress to be beautiful… There isn’t anything nefarious about what he’s doing his job and he’s going to be king probably within 10 years… And so he’s trying to make a name for himself… Because this is what he was born into! And if you think he’s going to treat his wife like Charles treated Diana you have to remember that Diana was her own worst enemy… And I couldn’t stand Diana in the 80s because of all the stupid clothes she wore… From the stupid feather hats, and the colored tights… She thought this was a game… And William is fighting for who he’s going to be one day… King of England

  11. Barbie Michael says

    Good for William! We all know that Catherine is a lovely lady… But the media are idiots. They don’t focus on why they’re there, but on what she’s wearing! I could completely care less what any of the royal family wears… I’m hitting 60 and some of the clothes, Catherine wears is too matronly and unrealistic for my lifestyle so I could care less what she wears. Her wedding dress was beautiful, and she always is dressed impeccably… But that’s not the reason that they’re on these trips! And good for William… Besides, from what I hear, Catherine doesn’t like to travel to these far away places because maybe she gets motion sickness or whatever she just doesn’t feel like going… What a great way of bowing out… I know some people are going to say that he’s like his father and he’s going to treat his wife like Charles treated Diana… Let’s not forget that Diana was her own worst enemy ! Charles was trying to make a name for himself and here’s Diana showing up in one of her ridiculous outfits… Yeah, I said it! The clothes she wore in the 80s was horrendous… I hated the 80s the big shoulders in the long hemlines, and the colored tights… What a joke! I like the fact that William is trying to stick to business. Because he’s gonna be king one day and I’m predicting that he’ll probably be king in the next 10 years… So he hast to use this time to make a name for himself. His wife and children aren’t going anywhere, but William has a job to do and he made the right decision!

  12. Tuna says

    Oh No, boohoo, boohoo. They are the most useless people on earth. Have they ever done any real work in their lives ?? I wouldn’t hire them for anything.

  13. June says

    He is just wanting to cheat on her. Leave her with the three kids. He is a baby self centered.

  14. Carol says

    Why cant he grow up. He shouldn’t need accolades to know that what he is doing is important and appreciated. The public commenting on his wife should make him proud. He chose a mate that believes in him and supports him. He isn’t an actor that needs to take a bow. He is a leader now and in the future that should work like any of us for the greater good not for glory. What is his motive???

  15. Laura says

    William needs to watch out. His jealousy of Kate’s popularity will end up biting him in the ROYAL A___! It gave his father a bad reputation. He should remember that.

  16. Lynn says

    Whoever this writer is, is a bull crap written story! I don’t believe it and you writer are just as bad as the rag mags! They have been together all these years, she has always gone along and I don’t believe that now all if a sudden he is going to stop! Lies, lies, lies! Take your story and put it up where the sun don’t shine!

  17. Dionyssia says

    He doesn’t even live with her in that ‘small’ house, allegedly. The environmental Prince takes his helicopter back to Kensington Palace every day. Kate is clinging on for dear life to her position. She fought so hard to land him and has said that it is her destiny to be queen. She is only safe whilst she has George under her control. Once he goes to Eton, she loses and will be out and William can prune his rose bushes to his heart’s content. The will never allow a divorced woman to raise a future King of England. Hopefully, the charade which is the monarchy will all come crashing down long before then when all their deep dark secrets are revealed.

  18. Kelly says

    Well I can see his side he is trying to get attention for his efforts. And she is so pretty and has a perfect figure. But it not her fault. But I can understand his reasons. Love the both of them.

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