Prince William Says His Best Quality Is Being Stubborn

Sometimes the worst quality that others see in you might actually end up being the most beneficial for you.

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There’s a new report that says Prince WIlliam believes that being stubborn is a good thing for him.

The future king of England says that being stubborn has actually helped him gain control of some of the things around him. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince William Says His Best Quality Is Being Stubborn

Speaking to Peter Archer in a new interview, the Prince of Wales says that he’s someone who likes to take charge of his life.

If he has to be a little strict about it, then he doesn’t mind at all. Also, when he means no, he really means no. Sometimes there’s just no changing his mind. 

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The Prince of Wales put it this way, I don’t go around and expect everyone to listen to me the whole time. But I like to be in control of my life. Because I have so many people around me, I can get pulled in one direction and then the other. If I don’t have any say in it, then I end up just losing complete control and I don’t like the idea of that. I could actually lose my identity.”

Prince William also added that he’s keenly aware that other people think that he’s hugely stubborn, but it’s not like he’s going to do anything to change it. At least, not right away.

Royal Family News – Prince William Is Aware Of What People Say About Him

William added, “But you have to be slightly stubborn because in my position everybody wants you, for one reason or another. If you don’t stick to your guns and stick to your decision, then you lose control.”

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For someone who is going to be the future king of England one day, it might be a good thing if Prince William stays stubborn in his ways.

Here’s hoping that he won’t be too stubborn though when it comes to listening to good advice from those around him. 

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Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered. 

Editorial credit: lev radin /

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