Prince William Spotted Driving Prince Andrew To Church In Scotland

Does this mean he’s been welcomed back into the fold? That’s what it seems to look like. There’s a new report that says Prince William was spotted driving Prince Andrew to church in Scotland over the weekend.

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It seems like the Duke of York is no longer being considered the pariah of the royal family as there’s no way the Prince of Wales would risk being seen with him in public without a reason. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince William Spotted Driving Prince Andrew To Church In Scotland

On Sunday, Prince Andrew sat in the front seat in the car that Prince William was driving to church from Balmoral Castle. Apparently, this was meant as a “show of family unity” and a sign that all must be forgiven by King Charles.

As many royal fans and critics already know, Prince Andrew has been accused of sexual assault and having sex with a teenaged girl.

He also raised a lot of eyebrows due to his association with Jeffrey Epstein. However, Prince Andrew has insisted that he’s never done anything wrong. 

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One source close to the situation says there’s a good reason why Andrew was seated in the front seat and next to Prince William. This was the royal family’s way of showing the world that Andrew is back.

The insider told The Telegraph, The Duke of York may not be regarded as a working member of the Royal family, but he will always be a member of the Royal Family, that situation will never change,” while also adding, “He will forever be the King’s brother, and then the King’s uncle, so there will always be a close relationship with the monarch.”

The Duke of York Has Been Accepted Back In The Royal Family

This, of course, has prompted a lot of people to wonder if Prince Harry will ever get the same treatment, should he decide to come back to the UK and spend time with his royal family members.

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Sure, the Duke of Sussex might have disgraced his family by throwing them all under the bus in the very public way that he did, but he hasn’t been accused of doing anything morally wrong or worse, illegal.

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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