Princess Diana’s Death Altered Prince Charles’ Role In his Family

According to one royal watcher, it took the death of their mother Princess Diana before Prince Charles felt comfortable in showing physical affection to his sons Prince Harry and Prince William, especially in public.

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According to royal watcher Lady Julie Montagu, Charles was forced to change his parenting style because he simply had no choice.

Princess Diana’s Death Left A Tragic Void In Her Sons’ Lives

A new documentary, The Queen and Prince Charles: Mother and Son, takes a unique look at the royal family. According to Montagu, after Princess Diana’s untimely and tragic death in 1997 Prince Charles faced a new life without Diana in it.

And this new life required him to adopt a new role. As Montagu notes, Princess Diana did the majority of hands-on parenting when it came to their young sons Prince William and Prince Harry. She notes the tons of public hugging, laughing, and cuddling that she did with her sons.

Prince Harry And Prince William Were Left Stunned Following Diana’s Unexpected Death

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Following her death, the princes were left with a huge hole in their emotional lives she said. According to the royal expert, it fell to Prince Charles to step into this void. “He really stepped up in that parenting role when he needed to.”

Prince Harry, speaking in Diana, 7 Days, said that Charles’ efforts to be a more hands-on parental figure did not go unnoticed. “One of the hardest things for a parent to have to do,” he said, “is to tell your children that your other parent has died. How you deal with that, I don’t know.”

An appreciative Harry went on that Charles, “was there for us—he was the one out of two left, and he tried to do his best and to make sure that we were protected and looked after. But he was going through the same grieving process as well.”

Charles Was Used To Not Having His Parents Around During His Childhood

Ironically, Charles’ own parents were often absent during his growing up years as they frequently traveled across the globe on royal trips. But Charles did have positive role models who may have taught him how to show his affection later in life.

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According to the Daily Express, Prince Charles based his new parenting approach on what he experienced growing up with his doting and loving grandparents, the Queen Mother and King George VI.

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