Princess Of Wales, Kate Middleton Pauses Family Vacation For An Important New Patronage

You’ve probably heard that the Prince William and Kate Middleton took advantage of their children’s school half-term to take a much deserved break, especially after the stress of the last few weeks: moving to a new house and planning a global funeral within a short space of time cannot be easy on anyone.

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But halfway through the break, Kate Middleton had to interrupt the funtime to usher in a new patronage she’s decided to take under her wing.

Apart from that, she also wished Captain Preet Chandi good luck on her journey to become the first woman to travel more than 1000 miles unsupervised.

The Princess Of Wales Holds Meeting With British Woman Aiming To Travel Over 1000 Miles And Secure A World Record

On Tuesday, Kate, 40, held a meeting via telephone with the British physiotherapist and British Army medical officer as she prepares to go on a solo expedition.

The 33-year-old’s mission is to become the first woman to cross Antarctica entirely without supervision, even though the journey will see her travel over 1000 miles.

She will endure temperatures of minus 50C and wind speeds expected to exceed 60mph as the officer hauls a sledge, weighing around 120kg, loaded with her kit.

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During the video chat, Preeti explained the reason she’s undergoing the tasking adventure, which she must complete within 75 days once she sets off this November.

“My aim for this expedition has always been to inspire people to push their boundaries.

“I want to bring people on this journey with me, to help them believe that nothing is impossible. It is an absolute privilege to have the Princess of Wales as the patron.”

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A few hours before the meeting with Preeti, it was officially announced that the Princess will be the patron of the ambitious challenge. As a long time advocate of sports and the advantages it can have on our mental and physical health, it’s not a wonder that Kate took it up.

This is also the first time she’s performed a public duty in two weeks, as the last time she was on duty was on 15th of October, when, as patron of English rugby, she sent a letter of encouragement to the England Rugby League.

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