Queen Camilla Is Now The Most Popular Member Of The Royal Family

Who says she’s not performing well at her job? Apparently, Queen Camilla is not only doing a great job as the Queen of England, but there’s a new report that also says she’s becoming the most popular member of the royal family. 

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Royal Family News – Queen Camilla Is Now The Most Popular Member Of The Royal Family

Who would have thought, right? Keep reading below for everything you need to know. There’s a new report that suggests Camilla has received quite the backing as she’s gotten a lot of rave reviews for the job she has been doing as the Queen of England.

In fact, she’s become so popular that some members of parliament would love to be in her shoes right now.

Royal Correspondent Cameron Walker and Digital Royal Editor Svar Nanan-Sen spoke about Queen Camilla’s newfound popularity in their podcast, The Royal Record.

Svar put it this way, “We asked our members, as this month marks one year since King Charles and Queen Camilla were crowned during the Coronation, ‘Do you think Camilla has done a good job during her first year as Queen?”

AMP in the post

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He continued, “410 members took part in the poll with a massive 82 percent saying yes Camilla has done a good job, 16 percent voted no and two per cent said they did not know. That’s an overwhelming majority that think she has done a good job. What’s your reaction to that?”

Cameron then replied with, “Well, any politician would die for those ratings is my first point. What a contrast from, I hate to bring it back to 30 years ago, but it is so true. Can you imagine Queen Camilla polling that in the 1990s? But there’s a reason for that because she really held up the monarchy at the start of this year.”

So far Queen Camilla herself has made no comments about the matter.

We will update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

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Tell us, Soap Spoiler fans, what do you think of all the buzz in this story? Let us know by dropping us a line below.

Also, come back here for all the latest news, spoilers and updates on the British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: FiledIMAGE / Shutterstock.com

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  • Becky

    I’m just glad we don’t have king and queens in this country. But for that country. Princess Diane should have that job. She has to put up with those 2 charles and camilla for years. They will never have another princess Diane. Was no accident. May you restbin peace Queen Diane

  • June

    They deserve each other and both together is dismantling monarchy.

    Ad for Harry, yes his dad was too busy to see him. The place put it out that his schedule will not allow.

    It is a shame on a woman when she cannot encourage her husband to do better by his son. If that was her son things will be different

    How she sleeps at night to know she was the one who really create this mayhem