Queen Elizabeth Could Be Devastated As Truth Comes Out On Meghan Markle’s Lawsuit

Queen ElizabethFor those who haven’t been keeping up with things, understand that Meghan Markle has sued the parent company of two of Britain’s leading tabloids. In that lawsuit against Associated Newspapers, Meghan Markle’s attorneys have laid out a lot of different claims. One of the most troubling from the Royal Family’s point of view is that Meghan felt completely “unprotected” while under public attack by the publications named in her lawsuit.

AMP in the post

According to insiders, Queen Elizabeth may read the headlines surrounding Meghan’s accusation that her in-laws did “nothing” to protect her, while she was pregnant at that, and be horrified. Of course, Queen Elizabeth will see Meghan’s allegations as entirely unfounded considering the fact that Meghan had an entire team of PR professionals to help spin things her way. Of course, the problem is that Meghan’s own team has said there was little they could do to protect her since many of the charges against Meghan in the press were largely true!

Indeed, Queen Elizabeth is likely to have little sympathy for Meghan Markle since the judge dismissed a significant point in her court case. Meghan’s attorneys had argued that the British tabloids had engaged in an entire smear campaign, but the evidence presented was tossed out. Buckingham Palace is more likely to take a public stance that is in alignment with the courts than with Meghan Markle’s opinion.

Obviously, Queen Elizabeth may take the charges that she did nothing to help or protect Meghan Markle and her reputation, etc. in a bad way. Indeed, Queen Elizabeth might even view Meghan’s allegations as entirely false … and thus an act of aggression against the Crown. Queen Elizabeth may not enjoy the prospect of believing that she has to defend herself, her family, clear her name, fight suspicion, and tolerate the disdain of those who feel she failed her grandson’s wife.

Some might even go so far as to suggest that Meghan’s lawsuit, which complaints about her treatment at the hands of the Royal family, might be considered bullying. It’s also worth noting that people, perhaps like Meghan Markle, are brilliant manipulators and are able to cry “victim!” while they, themselves, are the perpetrators.

That might not be Meghan Markle’s intended effect, and it certainly isn’t her desired image, but it absolutely could be viewed that way by some. After all, Meghan Markle has already been accused publicly of having an undeserved sense of entitlement.

AMP in the post

Some might recall that there are those who call Meghan Markle a “self-made woman.” Of course, nothing could be further from the truth considering the fact that Meghan grew up a child of privilege who attended expensive private schools and who enjoyed financial help from both her ex-husband and her father.

Either way, it’s plain that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may have to do some serious groveling in order to convince Queen Elizabeth (and everyone else) that Meghan isn’t just a spoiled brat who doesn’t mind everyone else becoming collateral damage in her own public spats with the press.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    She is frightening. And incredibly cunning and mean.

  • Guest

    Meghan keeps digging the hole but Harry handed her the shovel!

  • Guest

    You have a point but sadly I see her as handing him the shovel. She is encouraging him to be cool and he is misrepresenting family in the process. The hole just got deeper with his ignoring Commonwealth development efforts.

  • Guest

    Look at any 90 year old grandmother and you will see it's enough to get about and do day to day things, imagine trying to represent your country and Commonwealth too! I wouldn't have expected my grandparents at 90 to have to protect me a woman 50 years younger! Many women will testify pregnancy is not a handicap. I have known many pregnant friends and family to look after themselves whilst having to care for both their children and elderly relatives! How can Megan with plenty of money, staff and a pathetically doting husband in all honesty think she was hard done by. Me, me, me is all this woman really focuses on. All the signs of a sociopathic nasisist. Harry made his bed but I feel sorry for his family.

  • Guest

    Megan is a spoiled brat and she knew what she was in for when she met Harry. Poor Princess Dianna got worse treatment and didn’t do something as stupid as suing. What makes Megan think she’s better than Princess Dianna or any other family member. Suck it up butter cup and go live your very, very private life in Ca. Nobody even cares to see you now or know anything about you. You’re all about money, that’s all that matters too you.

  • Guest

    She is a two timing bitch was nothing a somewhat third rate actress hooked a prince for his title and money, no one had heard of her outside Canada and some in America, she was supposed to abandon America if Trump became president what happened Canada threw both of the ungrateful out. She is using her so called acting skills to keep people watching her, wasn’t she crying about media and the press now she is getting in bed with them as long as she approves of there coverage,

  • Jezz

    I think the Queen's response was very well done. What else could she say or do with two such spiteful family members. She would be damned if she said more, because we have just witnessed what kind of spin Harry and Megan are prepared to put on things and she is dammed if she didn't respond. I really feel for her, no elderly grandmother with a sick husband should have to be treated like this. Just because she's a queen doesn't mean elder abuse doesn't apply! I hope all the family will keep these two toxic people as far away as possible, no interaction now with them could be trusted. If they could do this to they elderly grandmother they are revolting, despicable people who deserve nothing.

  • Guest

    To the wisest women ruling her country I bow to you dealing with drama drama I can only say Harry needs to teachMM what it’s like to be in a royal family . William is showing great wisdom when he told harry he needed to date her much much longer before marriage. now the job is harder but u can’t teach someone who thinks they know it all . I hope I live to see you, William make King good job with Kat.

  • Guest

    Meghan Markle a Gold Digger in America snatched Harry, manipulating, controlling and became obsessive having Harry marrying her, knowingly Meghan wanted to become a princess in America! This is what happened: married Harry, became a feisty bossy initiator taking Harry away from the Royal firm. Immediately Meghan conceived with Archie then again another one on it’s way to keep Harry chained in California. I hope Queen Elizabeth by all due respect STRIPS OFF the title The Sussex immediately. Stop Meghan carrying on to be a princess in America by the Royal Firm income and Harry too for being too naive and blind. The Royal Firm have worked hard it’s such a disgrace how Meghan swept Harry under her wings and caused an embarrassment speaking lies about the Royals and expects Harry to piggy back along side her.

  • Guest

    Jealous, Narcissistic, racial liar, pure & simple.

  • Guest

    If the government has to strip these two of their titles then they should get on with it before more damage is done to this family. As to eliminating the Monarchy, don’t be as stupid as the Americans that now have a senile President and a bunch of self centered politicians.

  • Guest

    I think Harry needs to offload Megan..get custody of his son and be free of the vice grip in between his legs

  • Guest

    Send them to Africa.

  • Guest

    Truth? Meghan does not know.how to tell the truth.

  • Guest

    I think it's ALL BEEN "WRITTEN"

  • Guest

    I think they are self center and liers.

  • Guest

    I think that MM just wants to be in the lime light.Anything to get her name and Mug in the new. I think the LITTLE FAME had gone to her head.She wants Everyone to treat her like a Queen. I think She has met her match. Queen Elizabeth won’t put up with her BS.

  • Guest

    Spoiled children they pay the colour card all the time