Queen Elizabeth Preparing To Address Coronavirus Concerns In Televised Speech

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While there is no doubt that Queen Elizabeth has definitely seen her fair share of global events, wars, tragedies, shake-ups, and much more, it’s safe to say that she has never seen anything like this. As millions of people from all over the world prepare to go on lockdown in the hopes that they can help curb the global pandemic that is the coronavirus, Her Majesty is preparing to make a televised speech to address the citizens of the UK. In fact, Queen Elizabeth is hoping to calm millions of people who are feeling very nervous about the future right now. Here’s what you need to know.

Queen Elizabeth Preparing To Address Coronavirus Concerns In Televised Speech

According to Britain’s The Sun, Queen Elizabeth is hoping to address the nation to ‘calm Britain’s nerved’ amid the coronavirus outbreak. However, she’s waiting for the right moment to make it happen. Reports say that the 93-year-old monarch has been in talks with No 10 via video link about making a televised speech. The last time that Queen Elizabeth addressed the nation was back on Christmas Day when she hinted that she was well aware of all the scandals that have plagued the royal family lately.

Now, as far as when the Queen will make her speech is unknown. A source told the Mail on Sunday: “It has been agreed the address will happen at a key moment in the crisis and that it will be a hugely important way to lift the nation’s morale. There is no one more experienced than Her Majesty and she will know exactly the right moment to address the country. Sadly, there are some very difficult times ahead. The country is going to be hurting. The voice of Her Majesty will provide calm reassurance that, ultimately, we will get through this.”

Queen Elizabeth Worried About The Coronavirus

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People from all over the world are either in self-quarantine, self-isolation or practicing social distancing in the hopes that they can somehow help curb this virus.

While many countries are forcing non-essential businesses to shut down, some governments are implanting a full lockdown on their citizens to ensure that everyone will stay home during these very uncertain yet also challenging times. So far there have been over 337,000 reported cases of coronavirus is 150 countries. The death toll is rising every day, with more than 14,641 to date.

In the meantime, don’t forget to check back right here for all the latest news and updates on Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and the rest of the royal family.

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