Queen Exposed To COVID Via Prince Charles, Palace Refuses To Divulge Heath Status

. He was with his mother 95-year old Queen Elizabeth two days prior but the palace has refused to comment on the queen’s health status.

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This is the second time 73-year old Prince Charles has tested positive, the first being in March 2020. He and his wife Camilla are fully vaxxed and boosted and she has tested negative. An unofficial inside source claims that the queen, “is not showing any symptoms but the source declined to confirm whether or not the Queen had tested negative,” according to the Daily Mail.

Royal Family News: Prince Charles Has Covid

It is believed that Her Majesty, like her son Prince Charles, is fully vaccinated. According to aides, “the prince was found to be positive during a test taken this morning as routine before any public engagements – which suggested he was experiencing no strong symptoms – but they declined to go into further details on his medical condition.”

On Thursday Camilla carried on with her own schedule of royal appearances. A spokesman noted, “The Duchess of Cornwall has routinely tested negative today. She is on a separate series of engagements from the Prince of Wales.”

The rules of engagement surrounding covid are changing daily and as of Thursday morning, under current UK Covid rules, “although she lives with Charles, Camilla is not required to self-isolate as she is also fully vaccinated.”

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Royal Family News – Does Camilla Have Covid?

It is thought that the queen received her first shot in January 2021 and her second jab in March; sources say it is believed she got her booster shot in October.

The news of Prince Charles’ diagnosis comes a day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced plans to eliminate all covid restrictions in England by the end of February. This means that, “even those who have tested positive for the virus will not be required to self-isolate, ‘provided the current encouraging trends in the data continue.’”

Following the news of Charles’ condition, Johnson’s spokesman stated that he hopes Charles makes a swift recovery.

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Royal Family News – Who did Charles Expose to Covid?

On Tuesday at Windsor, the prince awarded OBEs to chef Fergus Henderson and his wife Margot and an MBE to Nisreen Alwan, who has advocated for increased awareness of long covid.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Prince CharlesQueen ElizabethThe Royal Family
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  • Guest

    I hope that Prince Charles will have a complete recovery soon, with no lasting effects, and that HMTQ did not contract the virus herself and is well. Prayers for both.