RoyaI Family News: If Queen Gives In to Prince Harry’s Demand For A UK Military Role The Troops Could Revolt

British royal family news reveals that at least one United Kingdom royal observer is going against the tide of public opinion in regard to Prince Harry Duke of Sussex’s status following his Megxit review.

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The current Megxit deal will be reviewed in the UK at the one-year mark in 2021 and speculation has been rife as to how the royals will deal with a petulant and envelope-pushing Harry at that time.

Megxit Will Be Reviewed In The New Year And Harry Could Either Win Big Or Go Home

Right now Prince Harry’s military roles are temporarily suspended and he has bellyached about how near and dear they are to him and how much he wants them back. Does he not remember he gladly threw them down so that he could seek “financial freedom” in America? Because if he has there are millions of royal watchers, and plenty of military personnel who would be more than happy to remind him.

Richard Fitzwilliams told that the Duke of Sussex’s titles is on the line, but mean the world to the man who willingly parted with them so he could sign a lucrative production deal with Netflix.

Prince Harry Lost His Military Roles When He And Meghan Markle Dumped The Royal Family

According to Fitzwilliams, “Firstly the deal will be reviewed before the end of next March. That’s all we know so far. The Sussexes are now making their own way and are self-sufficient financially.”

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“I do think it’s right to bring up Harry’s military links. All these roles are significant, particularly the Captain-General of the Royal Marines. He’s also seen active service twice in Afghanistan. He’s also been responsible for the Invictus Games.”

All of that may be true but it is ludicrous to think that Hollywood Harry can retain a VIP military leadership royal while sitting on his Montecito couch. Anticipating such a hypocritical move, a high ranking Royal Marine has publicly questioned the appropriateness of allowing the pompous prince to do so.

Will The Queen Go Against Public And Military Opinion And Give In To Spoiled Harry Who Wants To Oversee The Military From The US?

The expert said, “There is no doubt that that would mean a lot to him. Remember that no one else has taken them on so at the moment this is on ice. Whether they’ll be restored, we simply don’t know how that will play out.”

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If the queen does give in to her grandson’s whining, it will be at the cost of public opinion and the feelings of countless military troops who have indicated they prefer Prince William versus the Fresh Prince of Montecito to command them.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Harry should be excised from The Firm in March. He made his choice let him live with it.

  • Guest

    He has absolutely no rights whatsoever to any military position in the United Kingdom, he deserted his Queen, country and his comrades for money and be named Hollywood Harry. He needs to be expunged from the Royal family and any trace of him in his home country that he despises

  • Guest

    Why should the Queen bend over and give Hollywood Harry everything he wants like his military rights she should quit given into Harry and tell him no you are not going to get what you want you put the whole royal family under the bus and then you told lies to everyone and you know it was all an act to get even with the toyal family