Royal Chef Shares New Year’s Day Menu At Sandringham

British royal family news reveals that King Charles and Queen Camilla have had a marvelous year, starting with their coronation in May and capped off by a week of festive holiday celebrations at Sandringham.

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Even the outsider married to Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, was invited to join the family at the Christmas morning service at St. Mary Magdalene church.

She had been banished from the kingdom, and Andrew is still royal non-grata, but the olive branch shows there may yet be hope for reconciliation with Harry and Meghan.

So, how will the clan ring in the New Year? According to Hello! magazine, Charles and Camilla plan to usher in 2024 at Sandringham, attend church, and then feast on a “simple” lunch.

Royal Family News – Charles and Camilla Ring in 2024 At Sandringham

Two days before January 1, 2024, former royal chef Darren McGrady shared some insights on how Charles and Camilla might celebrate. He shared his 1990 menu for the late Queen Elizabeth: “A simple New Years Day lunch at Sandringham for the British royal family” he wrote.

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That day’s lunch consisted of “Christmas turkey, Brussel sprouts, roast potatoes and salad, whilst the dessert was fried plum pudding and brandy butter.”

Royal Family News – New Year’s Day Lunch For Charles And Camilla

It sounds like a simple but magnificent meal, one the chef spent six months preparing for just the dessert alone.

According to Darren “We’d make the plum pudding for Christmas New Year at Sandringham in July just after garden parties and before heading off to Balmoral for the summer… so the plum pudding had time to mature.”

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Royal Family News – A Bright Year On The Horizon

This year’s Christmas celebrations were special for Charles and Camilla in that it is the first time they have hosted the family’s seasonal events.

Due to the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the late Queen Elizabeth was isolated during the holidays at Windsor Castle, and there were no gatherings at Sandringham.

Royal Family News – Will Harry And Meghan Reconcile?

Will 2024 be the year that Harry and Meghan mend fences with the royal family? Sarah Ferguson’s inclusion at Christmas this year has royal experts predicting that the traitors will be offered a similar gesture of goodwill, but some say they will have to apologize first!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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