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Royal Expert Calls Prince William ‘Difficult’ And ‘Short-Tempered’

Ouch. It’s one thing when your family members accuse you of being difficult, but when an outsider says it, it’s gotta hurt even more. Royal Family News says that Prince William’s anger issues are so bad that members of the media have even noticed it as the Prince of Wales is being called both “difficult” and “short-tempered.” Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Expert Calls Prince William ‘Difficult’ And ‘Short-Tempered’

According to royal author Robert Jobson, who wrote the book Our King, Prince William is not an easy person to get along with. In fact, Jobson hints that the Prince of Wales might be one of the most difficult people to be around in the royal family.

He said, “He is a driven person and that can make him impatient. That can make William short-tempered when dealing with Charles. The Boss (Charles) has a temper, too, but it does not go on and on. He can get frustrated and flare up and then, in an instant, it is forgotten about. With William, it is rarely forgotten.”

Royal Expert Calls Prince William ‘Difficult’ And ‘Short-Tempered’

Back in February, it was reported that William was “engulfed by catatonic rage” over the publication of Prince Harry’s book, Spare.

According to royal columnist Dan Wootton of the Daily Mail, William couldn’t get over how his brother Prince Harry told the world that they had gotten into a nasty fight that resulted in William pushing Harry into a dog bowl.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince William?

Wootton wrote in his column at the time, “But the catatonic rage engulfing William in the past month towards his brother following the publication of his twisted autobiography Spare – an effective character assassination on the heir to the throne – pales in comparison.

According to my royal sources, the Prince of Wales still cannot fathom the vicious intent behind his brother’s book, which he believes marks the end of their relationship forever.

Sure, time heals all wounds but at this moment in time courtiers believe William is adamant he will never speak to his sibling again.”

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Editorial credit: Frederic Legrand – COMEO /

  1. Debby says

    Difficult & has a temper. SO WHAT!! anyone in his situation would be also, anyone can be difficult at times. At least he doesn’t lie , make accusations that are untrue publicly & in front of the world on national TV then have almost 25 out of 17(I believe)accusations debunked.

    1. Sherry says

      And who in this world in a position of the stress that William has on his shoulders does not have a temper at times, it is human nature. Harry has put the stress and drama of all his lies on the entire royal family, what Harry did to HM and Prince Philip while dying is beyond hateful and disgusting and makes him like a traitor to his country, I for one can not believe a grandson would treat his grandparents with such hate and evil intent.after all they did for him. Charles walked Meghan half way down the aisle on the day they married and if that is not a show of love and respect for his son and wife I don’t know what is. Harry someday will deeply regret what he has done with all his LIES and backstabbing his family….Meghan, well she already did that to her family so not they have no other family to celebrate life with….I really want to see the day Harry crashes down into the bottom of hell and lives to regret his decisions for they don’t just affect him or Meghan but their children also.

  2. Debby says

    15 out of 17 lies debunked

  3. Stella Morrissette says

    This is just another soap opera it will never finish lies and not lies who cares, I do not like William and Kate, they think their someone else…King TUT

  4. Elsie says

    William has always been jealous of Harry. Even as children. Diana remarked several times when Harry was a baby about Williams jealousy. Seems things haven’t changed much.
    William’s temper with his children has been remarked on in English papers through the years.

  5. Maryjane says

    Leave William alone. Harry treated him terribly in his book. Harry is a do nothing playboy, who blames everyone else for his problems. If I were William, I wouldn’t talk to him either because I couldn’t trust what Harry will say I said. Harry made his choice, now live with it.

  6. Ann Blalock says

    Harry should shut up, stay home in CA and leave the entire RF in peace. He’s OUT! Why must he act like he’s IN? Harry is a fool who one day will regret his rude behavior. When Meghan divorces him I hope the Royals refuse to take him back. Frankly I’m surprise that King Charles doesn’t just cut him loose.

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