Royal Family News: 2021 The Year Meghan Markle Showed Us How To Live Better

Meghan MarkleBritish royal family news shows that Meghan Markle’s incredible taste for fame is giving way to infamy. After her last predictably cringe public appearance, it seems incredible to believe she could possibly top the pile of hot mess she’s created for herself. Give her time, there are 10 days left in 2021.

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Let’s take a look back at the jaw dropping exploits wrought by the woman who went from being a cheesy game show hostess to bagging a prince and now insisting everyone call her Duchess of Sussex. Pretentious much?

Royal Family News – Can Meghan Top Herself Before The Year Is Out?

The words Meghan Markle have come to connote controversy and drama, and not in a good, wholesome sense.

You might say the drama train broke free when Meghan and her lucky charm husband Harry sat down with the mistress of talk, Oprah Winfrey. Before the March interview was unleashed no one could have imagined the simmering, festering anger and resentment these two held toward their respective families. They would have been better off talking to a qualified therapist rather than ranting and raving about perceived slights to a woman whose ratings goal is over the top titillation.

Piers Morgan lost his job when he said he did not believe Meghan (so much for civil discourse, agreeing to disagree) but then Meghan’s targets came forward with proof that she was not telling the truth and Piers rewarded her with the name that will stick forever, Princess Pinocchio.

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Meghan doesn’t seem to learn from mistakes, a scary way to live one’s life. In November she allowed Ellen DeGeneres to interview her and you can guess the result—Meghan made a fool of herself. Google it, the pictures and video are amazing and will make you feel better about yourself. Much better.

Royal Family News – Meghan Is A Clown

Then there was the time Harry and Meghan tried to add to the discussion on Afghanistan, the Haiti earthquake, and the ongoing pandemic, and were roundly mocked for being, “inappropriate” and “condescending.”

Meghan Markle let loose with a kid’s book no one much liked and not just because it was hit with allegations of plagiarism. She also got raked over the coals for picking up the numbers of congresspeople she’s never met and cold calling them asking for influence. Then there’s her cringe birthday video in which she appeared in a room all alone, asking for donations.

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Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Keeps On Trying

These examples are just an appetizer from the smorgasbord of buffoonish attempts on Meghan’s part to play with the big folks. Her reach exceeds her grasp, a fact painfully obvious to everyone except Megs. Note to Meghan: We hear Deal or No Deal is back, that’s something entirely within your skill set.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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