Royal Family News: 3 Reasons Prince William & Queen Elizabeth CAN Convince Prince Harry To Divorce Meghan Markle?

British Royal family news is wondering can Britain’s Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Queen Elizabeth convince Prince Harry to divorce Meghan Markle and come home to the UK? They may have to act fast to save the monarchy from another, even more, devastating bombshell lobbed from America by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

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These two have rocked the palace to its core but it’s not been lost on the queen that Harry never acted like this before he married the B-list actress and agitator.

This salacious million-dollar question could be brewing in the castle as the UK monarchy continues to confront crisis after a crisis brought about by Harry and Meghan’s ugly and unbecoming conduct in America.

Here are three reasons why Prince William and the queen could succeed in convincing Prince Harry to divorce Meghan Markle and come home before it’s too late.

#1 The Queen Is Not Getting Any Younger

There are rumors that Queen Elizabeth could abdicate the throne to Prince Charles next year. She will be 95-years old in 2021 and although it was firmly thought she would stay in power until her dying day, 2020 has changed everything.

The queen has confronted mortality in the coronavirus pandemic as she herself is in a high-risk group for contracting the deadly virus. On top of that Prince Charles did get the virus and thankfully survived. She may not be willing to dodge any more bullets without having The Firm intact as it once was and that does not include Harry’s plus-one.

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#2 Prince William Needs All The Help He Can Get

There is also talk of Prince William being given the throne by sidestepping Charles. That may or may not happen but if it does, William will need all of the help and support he can muster and his brother could be the one to do that. Before their reported estrangement, they were very close and Harry has made noises about wanting to be back in charge of the military roles he threw away.

If Queen Elizabeth and Prince William dangled the return of these coveted roles in front of Harry it would be mighty tempting bait for him to return to the fold—as a singleton of course.

#3 Appealing To Harry’s Sense Of Family And Duty

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Before Meghan came on the scene Harry was gung ho about royal life. His own mom Princess Diana said that when they were boys he wanted to step in asking for a reluctant William.

Divorcing Meghan would allow him to drop the rebellious act and come home where he belongs. Surely he is not immune to the needs of his immediate family and the country who once embraced him? He could have all of their love and respect back if he divorced his very disliked and contentious wife.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal spoilers, news, and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    It’s too late for mr markle to return his black mistress has her claws in and will never let go, she will hold Archie over him as he doesn’t seem to have a say in its upbringing although Archie is a British subject as well as holding a dual the bitch will never let him come back to where he belongs, she had the kid ( if it really is there’s) to make sure he was kept in line with her orders and demands. Where the hell is Henry the eighth.

  • dustycat

    Don't keep calling Megan names ,even if you don't like her ,it just shows your upbringing !!!.

  • Jezz

    The Queen obviously loves Harry very much, she has made many allowances to try to accommodate him and Megan. We don't know what really goes on behind the castle walls, however it appears that the couple were impulsive, rushed in and somewhat forced her hand. I bet she wished Harry had given her more notice and had given both her (the Queen) and himself time to work out a better more appropriate solution. Perhaps they could have given him some sort of ambassador role as representative for the UK with US. Something which would have helped with his tax issues and citizenship and enabled both Harry and Megan to keep their status and use their position to effect the kind of global changes they seem so keen to make. Their hasty exit and abrupt request to leave the UK put her in a difficult position, she might be the UK'S Queen but she is governed by Parliament even if she wanted to let Harry keep his position for example and his duties as head of the military the UK government wouldn't allow it. My point is Harry went too far and continues to make it more difficult for his grandmother to help him. The UK terminated the monarchy once because the people didn't approve of the Kings abuse of power. When they reinstated his son it was under the control of parliament and the people. The Queen is well aware that her status is at the pleasure of her people they may be her citizens but she is actually the real servant and she understands that better than anyone, pity Harry doesn't.

  • dustycat

    The UK has never terminated the monarchy as far as i know unless it was hundreds of years ago .so tell me when was this bit of history ?my family goes way back in England ,
    I will have to look this up .!!!!,

  • Jezz

    English civil war, 1700, Charles 1st, tried and executed by Parliament. Oliver Cromwell took charge for a while and the parliament reinstated Charles son as King but under the control of parliament. From that point on no King or Queen has ruled the UK ultimately. The monarchy is a figurehead and ambassador of sorts that is why it is crucial for the monarch to not get political. The real power is with the priminister and government but the Queen does meet with the PM and she definitely has input but not ultimate rule.

    Now today this hub has taught you something. Discussions like this can be very healthy providing people respect others opinions. Harry should probably revise his history because he might have a better and more sympathetic understanding of his grandmothers position.

  • Jezz

    Sorry, I should have said 1600. His execution was to enable the UK to have a constitutional monarchy.

  • dustycat

    Thanks ,Jezz i have to look this up .

  • Jezz

    History can often be cruel, violent and unpleasant but it can also teach us the value of our evolution. We sadly may not be making progress quickly enough but some progress is better than none at all. History teaches us we can all do better and be better.

  • Guest

    Thank you no matter how you feel about the choice Prince Harry made there is no need to bash his wife. He is considered a adult no one forced him into marriage as for the child he will always be the mother’s responsibility to nurture him so stop hating and be miserable by yourself