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Royal Family News: 3 Signs From Meghan Markle Duchess Of Sussex, Prince Harry Needs To Keep His Eye On

Meghan Markle And Prince HarryBritish Royal family news reveals let’s face it: we all know that Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex is a very opinionated celebrity and public figure that is not afraid to use her voice. In fact, one of the reasons why she was so adamant about leaving the royal family is because she hated being muted by the monarchy.

But that’s not the only thing that Meghan has done differently that has also managed to ruffle some feathers behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace. With that said, here are three things Meghan Markle has done in recent weeks that her husband Prince Harry should keep his eye on, especially if he and Meghan want to continue carrying their royal titles. Check it out below.

She’s Wearing The Pants In Their Royal Marriage

While it might seem like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in a solid relationship that is built on mutual respect, love, and support, many critics have noticed that it has been Meghan who is making the executive decisions for the couple behind the scenes. After all, they did pack their bags and move from London to her native Los Angeles. They are also hob-knobbing with all of her friends and contacts and yes, speaking out about matters that are perhaps of more interest to her, like the upcoming Presidential U.S. election.

She’s Crossing Lines And Speaking Her Mind – With No Regard To Royal Protocol Or Tradition

Royal fans know that when it comes to the British monarchy, you have to stay as neutral as possible, and we are not just talking about their color palette for their wardrobe. Queen Elizabeth doesn’t like it when members of her family speak out about political or social issues that aren’t on par with her own. That might be one of the reasons why Meghan Markle was so adamant about breaking free from the royal family. She wanted to speak her mind, regardless of what anyone had to say about it. For Prince Harry, this might be troubling, as he has lived his entire life obeying the royal rules of protocol and tradition.

She’s Playing The Victim Card (Even Though There Are No Victims In The Royal Family)

If there’s anything we’ve learned about Queen Elizabeth and her long reign over the years, it’s that there’s really no point in complaining. Instead, you carry on. But that hasn’t been the case for Meghan Markle. Ever since she and Prince Harry left the royal family, fans have noticed that she is playing the “victim card,” in which she is blaming the media and her critics for her supposed failures. Do you agree?

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  1. Guest says

    I think Meghan should move far away and Harry should take Archie and move back to the UK where he belongs! Meghan has done so much damage to so many lives, including her husbands. She’s a spoiled, self centered brat. So tired of hearing of hearing about “poor Meghan”!!! . Enough is enough! Just go away already and make everyone happy!

  2. Guest says
  3. Guest says

    She is the devil reincarnated such a destroying bitch she has the weak stupid traitorous slave Harry boy under her spell, he will never escape her because she has his kid that he has no say in anything to do with it so he must stay with his black mistress

  4. Guest says

    Do you know this because you know them personally and they confide in you?

  5. Jezz says

    Megan might have had a voice and strong opinions before she married Harry but let's face it before Harry no one was interested in listening. She seemed to have gained status at the cost of his. Love or hate the monarchy there is no denying they have to apply sacrifice, self-control and discretion to perform their duties. Both Harry and Megan have demonstrated they are not capable of any of these requirements. They give into their wants and needs with the recklessness of children. Who wants a man or woman nearing their forties who act like impulsive children to give them advice and represent them, I certainly don't. Cutting Harry loose might be the worst sacrifice the Queen might have to make if he continues on this path. If she doesn't shut him down he will damage the monarchy and her entire family. How selfish, if you're not happy at home move out and shut up, least said soonest mended, the longer this BS goes on the harder it will be to mend.

  6. dustycat says

    You are just reading the papers ,they want to make money and they will print anything to do it !!!!!.

  7. dustycat says

    Most of this is newspaper talk ,I really wish people would leave them alone .all these comments must be so hurtful for them .bless you Harry .

  8. dustycat says

    don't you mean his wife ???.and she lovely looking , DONT call her rude names .and whats wrong with being black ???. you must be from the states ,

  9. Jezz says

    The best way for people to be left alone is to live a private life away from the public eye, away from public speaking, and stop giving their advice and opinions to others. It's not a one way street people can't do their dog and pony shows for attention and to change public opinions and expect everyone to meekly follow without questions or opinions. I thought Megan and Harry's entire point was to have people use their voice or are we just to use it to agree and get onboard with everything they say and do, which would actually make them no better than anyone else who wants to control everyones opinions and actions. The day these two stop grandstanding and retire from public life will be the day they will be left alone and actually have a private life. So journalists and media will report and write articles it's their jobs and livelihoods. It demonstrates a lack of intelligence and maturity to believe media should only be used and controlled solely in their favour. State controlled media is for dictatorship countries, so what is it to be freedom of speech and public opinions, using our voices or an oppressive society where we just agree with the opinions of the privileged who feel without any experience or real qualifications we should meekly follow their abundant opinions and advice. Media and journalism has been critical for positive, democratic change and that requires full information not just one sided info.

  10. Jezz says


  11. Guest says

    Nobody knows what goes on inside there marriage but them. He isn't a wimp, if he was unhappy about the way things are he would leave, and NO he wouldn't be taking Archie.

  12. dustycat says

    Are you a Journalist ?

  13. Guest says

    Whoa is me Meghan should stop with the victim card after all the Queen is the true victim!

  14. Guest says

    I think they both should move to siberia. Fooling nobody with their greedy selves. She was a nobody before marrying him and now they both nobody's trying to cash in on bashing the royals. Cant hold a candle to will and kate!!!

  15. Guest says

    Me personally I’m sick of hearing about Megan Markle. She’s nothing to get excited about. All she seems to care about is HERSELF and how much she can keep that mug of hers ALL over the media. She opted out of the Royal family so she needs to crawl under a rock somewhere. She is nobody… Well she does remind me of a troll … ugly is as ugly does.

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