Royal Family News: 5 Of Queen Elizabeth’s Biggest Concerns For The Monarchy In 2021

British Royal Family news reveals she has seen it all and been through it all, but for United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth, she has many reasons to be worried about the future of the monarchy and of course, the British royal family. While there has been some speculation that suggests she’s ready to step down from the throne, can she do it knowing that it will be in good hands?

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Is there anyone that can take over the throne and lead it in the same fashion as she has? Maybe, maybe not. But until that happens, we’ve got five of Queen Elizabeth’s biggest concerns for the monarchy in 2021. Check it out below and let us know what you think.

#1 Harry And Meghan: Things Will Never Be The Same After Megxit

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle managed to shock the world with their rather seismic public announcement when they said that they wanted to step down as working members of the royal family. Seeing how Prince Harry has always been one of the more popular members of the clan, this was seen as a huge blow to Queen Elizabeth and the rest of the monarchy. If someone so important and influential as Prince Harry can just step away from his royal duties, does this mean that other members can and even worse, will follow suit too? That’s enough of a reason to keep Queen Elizabeth up at night.

#2 Prince Charles And Camilla Parker-Bowles’ Decreased Popularity – Is The Crown To Blame?

While there’s no doubt that Prince Charles has been waiting a very long time to take the throne, one can only wonder how much longer he will have to wait before that even happens. While Prince Charles is now more ready to be the King of England than ever before, Queen Elizabeth is yet to relax and pass on some of that power to her son. This has prompted a lot of royal fans to wonder what might be going on behind closed palace doors and why Prince Charles is not being given the opportunity to fulfill a role that he was made for since birth. If that weren’t enough, Netflix’s The Crown Season 4 sure hasn’t made things easier on the couple.

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#3 Too Many Scandals And Negative Headlines

At this point it’s safe to say that 2020 was not a good year for the British monarchy and unfortunately, 2021 is not looking any better, either. From Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pulling the plug on their relationship with the royal family and of course, Prince Andrew’s scandalous associations, Queen Elizabeth has every right to be worried about the monarchy and the behavior of even some of her closest family members.

#4 Lack Of Hard-Working Royals

There’s only one Princess Anne in the British Royal family and unfortunately, she’s the only one who has a solid work ethic. Despite her age, she is also consistently known as the hardest working member of the royal family, as year after year she locks in the most amount of royal engagements and public appearances. Queen Elizabeth knows this and she also knows that the younger royals either have a hard time catching up with her or simply don’t want to catch up with her.

#5 The Weight Is On The Shoulders Of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

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With all the mounting pressure that has been put on Prince William and Kate Middleton to be the new faces of the royal family (and especially after Megxit), royal fans and critics alike can’t help but wonder if they can carry on by themselves. Sure, Queen Elizabeth will always be the most important member of the family, along with Prince Charles, but the future of the monarchy rests in the hands of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. But seeing how the royal family has always managed to stay strong in numbers, the future is looking very bleak. Can Queen Elizabeth help turn this around before it’s too late?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the British Royal Family news right now. Come back here often for all the latest British Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Hope it's a great year for her, she turns 95 and Phillip 100.

  • Guest

    I say Goodbye to them – everything they do harms our wonderful Queen – and now he is in the US he should continue to stay there – and absolutely not keep insulting the Royal family – and for one suggestion Anne should be Queen – and continue her Mothers legacy – she proves her loyalty everyday

  • Guest

    Princess Ann should become Queen, she could do it with one hand tied behind her back.

  • Jezz

    Why suddenly is there a big thing about losing the spare and his controling disaster of a wife? The monarch has never before had their brother or sister share rulership! The Queen's father would not have had much of a role had Edward married responsibly and been king. The Queen didn't permit her sister Margaret to hang around, turning up at events like she was the Queen! So why is it even being considered that Harry should take any part of center stage? That's the problem here, there can only be one King or Queen and even their consort needs to know their position. Now I'm not saying the monarch doesn't need help, it's a big job but if the senior Royals performing those duties don't know their place (like Harry and Megan) they have to go or the monarchy becomes unstable, as we have come to witness recently with Harry. Now, it matters not to me one way or the other if people don't want the Royals fine if they want to keep them I'm fine with that too but if they are to be kept we (the people) don't need this soap opera like drama, we can watch Coronation Street for that fix, no we need a strong monarch with a loyal and stable support system (senior Royals) people who know their place and how to appropriately conduct themselves. And by that I mean knowing better than to throw a pity party, especially when visiting a country where any normal person could see their perceived problems are nothing by comparison to the immense issues of poverty, hunger etc.

  • Guest

    Our Queen is one wonderful person no one will ever come up to her standards, she needs to banish the two assholes who are lower than shit who are dragging the family down, just look at how he is embracing Netflix destroying his parents him that soooo loved his mother and flashbulbs bringing back flashbacks what a bunch of bullshit, then ignored his father on his podcast but exploited his so called loved mother and the kid they deserted the UK to protect its privacy sued a paper for a picture of the back of the so called kid, they need to lose the titles people of Sussex are so ashamed of their name being dragged through the mud