Royal Family News: 5 Reasons Why Prince Harry Will Return Back To London In 2021, Permanently

Prince HarryBritish Royal Family news shows this past year has not been an easy one on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, or anyone else in the royal family for that matter. Prince Harry in particular has seen a lot of changes in his life – for better or for worse – along with a lot of heartache. And while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex might appear to be rock solid, there is some speculation that Harry might return to London in 2021, and for reasons that might make him remain permanently, too. We’ve got five reasons below. Check it out and let us know what you think.

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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Might Be Feeling ‘Mexgit’ Fatigue

While there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Prince Harry certainly loves his wife Meghan Markle and that he wants to do everything he can to make their marriage work, there’s a good chance that he might be feeling what many people would call ‘Mexgit’ fatigue. As a prince, he wasn’t born to be in the background of someone else’s spotlight.

Prince Harry Is Lacking His Support System

Up until this year, the only life that Prince Harry has ever known was the royal kind. Many royal fans, critics, and observers would agree that it’s not easy going from the monarch life to the gotta-make-your-own money life. Simply put, Prince Harry is lacking his support system that he left back at home, which might be a good reason for him to pack his bags and return to London.

The California Sunshine Is Great, But He Might Be Missing His Mates And His Pubs

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While you can take a prince out of his castle, you can’t take the castle out of the prince. There’s a very good chance that Prince Harry might be missing his mates and his pubs back at home. Sure, surfing lessons are great, but so is that feeling after you down a nice, smooth pint of the good stuff.

The New Year Will Bring On Some New Challenges And Difficulties

While there have been a lot of people holding on to the hop that 2021 will bring back life to the way that it was before, it’s looking less and less likely so. The global pandemic that has been the coronavirus will stay with us for quite some time to come, meaning Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have to push back all of the plans they had for their charitable foundation and their lucrative speaking contracts.

The Royal Family Is Feeling The Strain Back Home In London

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With all of the above said, the British royal family is certainly feeling the strain back at home, especially now that they’ve lost both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. All it will take is one short trip home for Prince Harry to realize just how much he misses everyone and everything that he left behind. Someone might want to freshen up those sheets at Frogmore Cottage, because Prince Harry will be coming home. Watch this space.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the British Royal Family news right now. Come back here often for all the latest British Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Get rid of the trash he will never be welcomed back after saying he hates his country and left his military obligations to move with his mistress markle to another country and try to live the living high life with his so called celeb friends, saying David foster is now his foster father, hope the IRS nails them to the wall but of course they will slide out of that also, what type of visa does he have that he is still here buying a house and making money makes one think “ something fishy going on”????

  • Guest

    America is not another country, she is THEE COUNTRY.

  • Guest

    The house I’m sure is not in his name. That way Markle has everything and can rid herself of the cowed gentleman when she gets tired of him. That will happen. But not til she has everything she wants. Next he will give over his child. Not real bright.

  • Guest

    In this article, from the nose up he looks just like Charles. No DNA test needed. See for yourselves

  • Guest

    It sounds like you're making up a story. It's been well documented that Harry never wanted to leave the military. He was forced out by the monarchy. He was also forced out of his favorite charity. As for Mrs mountbatten, Harry's wife, it doesn't pay to be a troll. Your opinion is yours to orate, however, their lives are theirs and no one else really knows what's going on with them although the Queen may. Have a nice day

  • Jezz

    I thought the number of days before he is heavily taxed has expired? I think the tax man should get right on it, because with covid the less fortunate could really use Harry's tax money for health care etc. He's so forthcoming with his advice on how everyone should live, take his money before he spends it on more flights, cars and large houses with all their heating and air con environmental impact footprint, let's save him from himself, he'll have less money to burn on emissions and less to spend on marketing and forcing his double standard opinions on everyone.

  • Guest

    I would never leave my country and drop my title for marriage..I hope he goes back.
    That's where he prince harry

  • Jezz

    That's very commendable. I'm not sure Harry deserves your loyalty but he's lucky to have it. I can't say I'm a fan of his. I really don't like how he has treated his elderly grandmother. I could never treat my grandmother the way Harry has treated her this past year. Even though my grandmother's can't afford to give me the kind of things the Queen has given him I still love and respect them more than to treat them as Harry's treated his. He used to appear to be so loyal and loving towards her until he got married. Love shouldn't come between someone and their family like this, that's not love.

  • Guest

    None of you people know them personally!!! your nothing but gossipmongers. Shame on you

  • Guest

    Sound jealous. Get a life.

  • Guest

    When one get hitched u leave family n stick to u spouse. She s till loves him.Get a life

  • Jezz

    I have a life thank you and it's not spent abusing my grandparents or my family. It's not love when you partner has assisted a family relationship to become negative. Most normal people can manage to have a healthy marriage and healthy family extended family relationships. People who can't manage cordial family dynamics are not fit to be lecturing others, especially children.

  • Jezz

    Wow, no wonder you're a Megan fan if my comments about Harry paying tax (which he can more than afford) so the less fortunate can have badly needed funds for vaccines and healthcare is you idea of jealousy! So he hands out a few sandwiches for publicity stunts and to ease gilt because he knows he's using his privilege to evade rules poor and ordinary people have to follow. I have a life thank you and it's not spent exploiting others like your plastic idols.

  • Guest

    Whatever happened to Harry & Meghan's promise/intentions when they exited the UK, to spend their time 50/50 between there and the U.S.? I haven't seen that happen and haven't even heard it being addressed. Have they been questioned by anyone and/or have they addressed it and I just missed it? Seems like a pretty big deal to ignore.

  • Guest

    I think he has been manipulated by Meghan all along. I don't think he would have left if not for her. I don't care for her at all. Maybe her sister and father have some very real things to say about her.