Royal Family News: Biden Administration Sued, Protecting Admitted Drug User Prince Harry?

British royal family news shows that Dirty Prince Harry has put himself in the weeds due to his trashy mouth and loose lips. The man who has bragged about his illicit drug use could be kicked out of the US as a group is now suing the government for access to Harry’s U.S. immigration files.

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In short, the Heritage Foundation doesn’t think there should be two sets of rules and demand to know how the wanton redhead was allowed to enter the US as a known drug user since under U.S. law, abusers of illegal narcotics are generally denied entry.

Royal Family News – Harry Under Fire

In his lusty memoir ‘Spare’, Harry copped to using marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms. He’s also on record as having experimented with “hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, describing it as ‘the cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters.’” Sometimes you’re the bug, sometimes you’re the windshield.

The visa application to live and work in America includes this question: ‘Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?’ A ‘yes’ answer may result in denial of a U.S. visa, which happened to the late British singer Amy Winehouse who died of an overdose.

Nonetheless, admission of drug use is not an automatic ban from the US.

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Royal Family News – Will Harry Be Booted?

Heritage filed a near-1,400 page legal complaint stating that there is “immense public interest” in how Harry answered that question; did he lie or tell the truth?

According to the Daily Mail, “Sources close to the case suggested officials were obstructing the think-tank’s freedom of information request that it made on March 8 of this year,” and one source claims “It is safe to stay that the Biden administration has not been fully cooperative in releasing the information requested.”

In this case, the government denied the FOI request leading the Heritage Foundation to appeal the decision.

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Royal Family News – Harry And His Hobbies

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website has online records for the late George Michael and John Lennon so it’s not clear why they refuse to release information on Harry. Tell us royal fans, do you think that Harry is receiving preferential treatment in the US?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Sarnia /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Elaine Cate

    Yes Harry reicived special treatment the he not only snubbed .his family but also actors too. He should have to find himself and Megan another country to live in and do Thier Drugs.

  • Lydia

    I’m glad the Heritage Foundation is pursuing the issue of Harry’s out right admitted drug use in his book. I feel sure they’ll find past drug use as a NO on his application, so he lied bigtime. Even if he answered yes, then there’s no way he should have been allowed in due to the extreme past use AND likely still using those magic mushrooms. We don’t want or need him here in the US, that also goes for Meghan.

  • Cheryl M.

    Royalty IS Royalty BUT they are human just like the rest of us. Noone skates through life without problems now and then. They are no different. If Harry decides not to show, then he doesn’t show..simple as that.
    The World won’t stop if he doesn’t. He has a mind of his own and IS an adult. We are all free to make out own choices. People just like to have something or someone to point their finger at and talk about.. Maybe it makes them feel more important….I don’t know but I just say…Live and let live. The Coronation will go on as planned.