Royal Family News: Camilla Recognized Meghan Markle As A Trouble Maker

British royal family news teases that Meghan Markle was given a little nickname while she was at the palace, and this long before Piers Morgan branded her Princess Pinocchio. Who gave her this term of endearment? Someone who also has been a controversial royal figure and knows what it’s like to be on the outside looking in.

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According to a royal biographer, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, saw Megs as, “a self-seeking troublemaker,” and called her a minx. All of that is actually quite tame when one considers the hullabaloo engendered after Camilla married Charles.

Royal Family News – Camilla Is A Controversial Figure

According to Tom Bower, Camilla never saw eye-to-eye with the former game show hostess. Meghan and her husband Harry were not on board with the royal way of life and left in 2020 to live in “financial freedom” in America. They are currently set up in a $14 million mansion in California but still demand the perks of royalty with none of the work. Harry has caused a public outroar after threatening to sue his grandmother Queen Elizabeth if she does not give him the same type of protection she is given.

Bower is writing a biography of Meghan and claims that Camilla was suspicious of Meghan’s “intentions.”

He told The Sun that the women never bonded: “[Camilla] found it hard to believe that Meghan would sacrifice her career and independence to serve silently as a team player devoted to the monarchy.”

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And she was right! But while Meghan has complained bitterly about her in-laws Camilla took the high road, remaining “tight lipped” about Meghan.

Royal Family News – Camilla Will Be Queen Consort

Bower added that while Harry and Meghan have gone on a verbal rampage against his family, Camilla has supported Prince Charles: “During those inevitably endless, tortured and inconclusive conversations, Camilla is the sort who would refer to Meghan as ‘that minx’ — the self-seeking trouble-maker whose antics will always end in tears.”

Royal Family News – Camilla Is Insightful

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Bower also thinks that Harry and Meghan’s crickets over the recent announcement that Camilla will be Queen Consort is, “Meghan’s way of declaring war.” Additionally Harry’s friends have said that his bio will be full of his “true feelings” about Camilla. Let the games begin!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesMeghan MarkleThe Royal Family
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  • Guest

    Camilla wasn't the only one who spotted Meghan as trouble! The first time I saw her was the engagement interview with Prince Harry. My immediate reaction to seeing her was disappointment. Meghan practically screamed "gold digger" and "tramp" in that interview….and there was something about her, even back then, that was unsettling and creepy and I felt very strongly that she would be nothing but trouble for the RF, and nothing but heart ache and trouble for Prince Harry. It seems Harry's friends tried to warn him too about Meghan. (all IMHO!!!).

  • Guest

    It must be easy for her to recognise a trouble maker as she was one herself

  • Guest

    I voiced the very same opinion of Meghan at the onset of their relationship.
    I had remarked that I felt that she had an agenda to do what she could to stand the Royal Family on their ear.
    I also remarked at the time that I felt she wasn’t , if you will forgive the expression, “Royal” material.
    It gives me no pleasure at this outcome, but I saw it coming.
    I also think that Harry is regretting his decision to have left all he knew for what he has now and if his Mom was still with us (Loved that Lady),she would have never let this marriage take place.
    She would have seen through Meghans plans like an open window.
    Vent over. Stay tuned

  • Park Avenue

    That photo of them -the one that looks like she's trying to break away from Hazzy grip, back arched and looking everywhere but at HIM.
    Then turns her back and jiggles up the steps in that horrid, drab Trench coat as if she couldn't get away fast enough… A picture tells a million words.

  • Guest


  • M. Payton

    I just don't understand Harry and Meghan, they both got what the wanted in the end game, freedom from the Firm and royal family and duties and millions of dollars yet they complain and tell lies and create drama and bad mouth the monarchy of which they are no longer a part of,,,,so what more do they want? They live in a 14 million dollar mansion way more then Frogmore Cottage and have all the freedom and privacy they wanted in the first place… what is missing in their lives that is causing them to much grief? Do they want more money, if so, then go work for it like us regular normal people do…..they threw away a very plush lifestyle for what……someone has the answer to what is missing in their lives please let me know….I am very confused by their anger and hate for the royal family. I wonder if Meghan would love if someone trashed her mother the way she has trashed Harry's family ……don't think so and for Harry to do the same, that says a lot about his character and that is not good at all….

  • Guest

    Camilla has more than proven herself as to what type of person she is. So has Megan. You just can't compare Class with Trash.