Royal Family News: Delusional Prince Harry And Meghan Markle To Compete With Queen By Handing Out Their Own Awards

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British royal family news reveals the holier that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex think so highly of themselves and their dubious accomplishments that they plan to hand out lofty awards bearing their seal of approval.

When one thinks of worthy prizes, the names Nobel and Pultizer come to mind not Hollywood Harry and Meghan Thee Duchess.

Both men were accomplished, educated and made fortunes by virtue of their hard work. Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist who just happened to have invented dynamite. Joseph Pulitzer was a newspaper publisher and his awards for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature and musical composition are administered by Columbia University.

What are Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Credentials?

Meghan Markle is a former cable actress and Prince Harry used to be a prince. To receive a Nobel or Pulitzer prize is an honor, to receive an award from Queen Elizabeth, the longest serving monarch, is an esteemed tribute. To receive a Markle Award would be a punishment (if the humiliated recipient is foolish enough to accept it).

Neither Harry nor Meghan has thus far made a discovery that changed humanity nor produced a literary work of significance, nor sacrificed their lives to lead a nation, and yet they somehow see themselves as being in the same league as people who have made such marks on society. They have made a mark actually, but not for anything an award recipient would want to be associated with. Their biggest professional accomplishment to date is signing a contract with Netflix to produce TV shows, none of which have come to fruition.

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Memo To Harry And Meghan: Notoriety Does Not Equal Worth. If That Were The Case The Kardashians and the Real Housewives would be handing out awards as you envision yourselves doing. You could take a lesson from these high profile celebs and others like them who know enough to stay in their lane and do what they do best; they are successful at what they do—what is it you two do?

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Think Thier Award Is Important

And yet the Sun is reporting that Harry and Meghan have it in their heads that they are important enough, have the gravitas, respect and level of achievement needed to bestow honors and awards which will compete with the likes of Queen Elizabeth’s Knighthoods, CBEs, OBEs and MBEs.

Court documents seen by the outlet indicate that Harry and Meghan intend to recognize, “Charitable service, education, science, literature, racial justice, gender equity, environmental stewardship, youth empowerment, health and mental health,” through their Archewell foundation which almost didn’t get off the ground because the patent office declared their paperwork too vague and oops, they forgot to sign it.

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There’s a difference between reaching for the stars and punching above one’s weight. There’s a difference between the pride of receiving a prize named after a Nobel or a Pulitzer and the mortification of being recognized by a couple of nincompoops whose only importance is self-importance.

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  • Jezz

    Is this comment for real? I can't believe it! If true they must have a really overrated opinion of themselves. Will it be an Oscar style statue of themselves wearing crowns hahaha this is hilarious.

  • Jezz

    I just have to say Harry is luck his grandfather is not Henry viii. He would have Harry and Megan's heads so fast they wouldn't have time to blink. These actions feel like they are now coming dangerously close to treason. A member of the royal family now outrageously directly competing with the reigning monarchy! If Harry isn't careful this could end badly. I don't expect Megan to understand being American but Harry should know better. Did he actually attend school, what a silly man. Representing the armed forces of all duties should have hammered home how dangerous his actions are!

  • Guest


  • Guest

    I think that Prince Harry should be ashamed of himself of neglecting his Grandmother and Grandfather . In a?minute they. Could be gone and he wouldvregret it the rest of his life. Have some balls and stand up to Markle ( the cause of this all) and tell her, He and the baby are going to be with HIS FAMILY this year whether she likes it or not. She is welcome , but she can have it with her mother.
    She came in there and thought everyone was going to bow down to her and She was going to do whatever she wanted and break the prodical of years before.

  • Guest

    Henry where are you we need to get rid of these traitorous two assholes they are a complete disgrace to humanity