Royal Family News: Did Prince Andrew LIE About Cutting Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Out Of His Life?

British royal family news indicates that Prince Andrew could be facing fresh trouble in regard to his friendship with dead convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

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Tuesday evening new questions emerged about the friendship that put an end to Andrew’s royal life after papers revealed Andrew may have lied about the relationship.

The emails are part of a lawsuit filed by the US Virgin Islands against JPMorgan “accusing the bank of knowingly benefiting from Epstein’s sex trafficking.”

In the wake of the news, media outlets immediately began splashing the infamous pic of Andrew and Jeffrey walking in Central Park in New York in December 2010, no doubt bringing on a migraine for Andrew and his brother King Charles.

Between Spare Harry and Spare Andrew, Charles’ monarchy has not had a quiet moment. The walk happened soon after Jeffrey was let go from an 18-month jail sentence for child prostitution.

Royal Family News – Andrew’s New Trouble

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Andrew stayed in Epstein’s £60 million Manhattan house at the time, and later swore it was the last time he had contact with the pedophile. In his train wreck 2019 BBC interview, Andrew tried to clear his name by telling Emily Maitlis that he never spoke to Jeffrey after that visit. Now emails “unearthed by JP Morgan … appear to suggest otherwise” according to the Daily Mail.

Royal Family News – Andrew And Jeffrey Epstein

The outlet claims that the documents state that in February 2011 Epstein wrote to a bank exec: “Andrew asked for your London schedule,” which indicates that Andrew was in contact with Epstein past the time he alleges.

Andrew was asked by Maitlis: “Was that visit, December of 2010 the only time you saw him after he was convicted?” and he said ‘yes.’ He was asked “Did you see him or speak to him again?” and he said ‘no.’

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But Andrew went above and beyond answering the interviewer’s questions and claimed that during the walk he and Jeffrey “decided that we would part company and I left, I think it was the next day and to this day I never had any contact with him from that day forward.”

Andrew was caught up even further in the sordid mess when “Last year, the duke paid a reported £12million settlement to Virginia Roberts, 39, over her claims that he sexually assaulted her when she was 17, which he has always denied.” Roberts was a named victim of Jeffery’s pedophile ring.

Earlier this month JPMorgan “settled a lawsuit for allegedly facilitating Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring for a reported £231million. The US bank will pay the sum to more than 100 victims of the late paedophile.” It is not known if Roberts is one of the payees. Andrew has not responded to a request for comment on the latest news.

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