Royal Family News: Did the Royal Family Snub Netflix’s Request to Fact Check?

British royal family news insinuates that the United Kingdom’s royal family could be kicking itself right about now. Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex’s business partner, Netflix, just debuted the fourth season of The Crown, and the show makes a mockery of the royals.

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No wonder Prince Harry vows he will never allow them to depict him and his life. He seems perfectly fine with his business partner turning his family into laughable buffoons; money is thicker than water?

The media has been publishing a ton of stories in the last few days about the abominable way the royals are shown to behave so it should come as no surprise that they are rumored to be livid.

Netflix’s Royal Drama The Crown Has Angered The Royal Family Members Not Named Harry?

But do they only have themselves to blame? Apparently that’s what royal watcher Omid Scobie thinks. He is the person who wrote Finding Freedom about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and thanked them in his book, forcing Meghan to backtrack on her claim that she had nothing to do with the tome.

According to Scobie, the royal family was given the opportunity to fact-check the series but turned the streamer down. Perhaps things would have been different if they had accepted the offer?

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Will The Royal Family Try To Wrangle A Fact-Checking Role In Later Seasons Of The Crown?

The Firm has not gone on record with their feelings about the way there are being depicted this season, or any season for that matter. But plenty of royal watchers have expressed dismay and outrage on their behalf. And inside sources close to them have made it clear that the royals believe the series is taking liberal sway with the truth. They don’t just think they are being exaggerated, they apparently view the show as inaccurate and misleading.

Did The Royal Family Really Turn Down The Chance To Work With Netflix On The Crown?

On The Heirpod podcast, Scobie dropped his bomb saying, “I always wondered why there wasn’t more collaboration between the two,” Scobie said. Those working on the show did reach out the palace to see if there was an opportunity for fact-checking, but the answer was a firm no. But, now we’ve reached these key years, I wonder if any royals are kicking themselves for not taking advantage of that opportunity because this narrative is being shaped for many around the world.”

According to Scobie, “They expect 25 million households to view this new season … That’s 25 million people who will have their opinion of the Royal Family shaped by this.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    They should have taken the opportunity to be involved if offered; they can't complain now.

  • Park Avenue

    If anyone can't figure out this is "Entertainment " and not a "Documentary " should not be watching such programs.
    Especially on NETFLIX.
    Please, they think this is real life?

    Ok.. On to Scarry and Migraine.
    I've yet to see what they have to show for that "Lucrative deal ", so far a whole lot of nothing. Don't they get paid by actually doing something? Or did they have a contract that gives them a salary for doing or producing nothing?