Royal Family News: Disgraced Prince Andrew Escorted Queen To Prince Philip’s Memorial

British royal family news shows that Queen Elizabeth was front and center this morning for the Duke of Edinburgh’s memorial service. Her presence at her late husband’s service was a last-minute decision due to ongoing health and mobility problems.

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Philip died last April at the age of 99, but Covid restrictions in place at the time limited the guest list to 30; today 1,800 people paid their respects to the man who stood by the queen for 73 years.

The Queen Honored Her Husband

The memorial paid tribute to Prince Philip’s legendary life of service to his country and family. She has canceled many official engagements of late, but she was escorted to the event, and through the church, by her son Prince Andrew.
At one point she stood with a tear in her eye as Andrew stood beside her at Westminster Abbey.

The queen and Prince Philip married at the abbey in November 1947.

The Queen Attended Her Husband’s Memorial Service Today

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Today’s service was attended by an estimated 1,800 individuals ranging from friends and family to world leaders to global dignitaries. Noticeably absent was Prince Harry who defected from the monarchy two years ago for a life of “financial freedom.”

Prince Harry now lives in America with his family and has spared no opportunity to bad mouth his family and the crown. He claimed to not feel “safe” in the UK but will travel in a few days to partake in the fun and games of the Invictus Games in the Hague. Harry and his wife were the only senior royals not there, and for many his snub of his grandfather cements his persona non grata status.

Prince Harry Could Not Be Bothered to Attend

The congregation sang Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer to end the service and when the bells of Westminster Abbey rang out the Queen stood with tears in her eyes. The 95-year-old monarch used a cane to walk to and from her seat and her presence was confirmed just two hours before the event.

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Choosing Prince Andrew to be her aid dismayed many royal watchers. Last month he settled a sexual abuse case out of court by paying his accuser millions, and he has been in royal mothballs for years.

After the 40 minute service, she was driven back to Windsor Castle with Andrew the Duke of York beside her. It was her first major public engagement in nearly six months. Her Platinum Jubilee takes place in June and speculation will now begin all over again as to whether her health will permit her participation.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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  • Guest

    Apart from everything else, HMTQ is still Prince Andrew's Mother, and Prince Phillip is/was his Father…..that cannot be taken away from him. Andrew had to have a lot of guts to show up, and do what he did at the service, in light of current feelings toward him, but he did, and he helped his Mother,and did her proud in that much at least, and showed his respect for his Father's memory…at least he won't have the unbearable shame of "not showing up" on his conscience for the rest of his life. IMHO!!!!

  • Park Avenue

    I agree. Time to move on and find someone else to gossip about.

  • Guest

    No, and anyone who is should stop and think. Thats his Father and his Mother wanted him there!,

  • Guest

    For someone who has avoided answering questions and providing evidence that he was not involved in the abuse of women to show up in such a prominent situation on tax payers money is disgraceful. Some of those tax payers have been victims of abuse. It was a selfish, self-indulgent act that shows NO respect for their countries subjects who have suffered abuse. Now he has broken the ice at this service trying to use the nation's pity to slither out and put his past behind him. Perhaps this is just the beginning of his/the royals attempts to reinstate him at events. I am no fan of Harry's behavior but he hasn't actually been the subject of a criminal investigation regarding abuse of young women. Anyone who thinks its ok for Andrew to perform any public duties until he will step up and clear his name is condoning the abuse of young women by giving such men a pass. Its absolutely disgusting.

  • Park Avenue

    You know, that was his father.
    I'm sure, no matter what his shortcomings are, he has every right to be with his Mother at a Memorial Service for his Father.

  • Guest

    Of course I know its his father and I am not suggesting he should not have attended his fathers memorial. What I am saying to put it plainly is its an insult to the people to perform such a high profile duty when he hasn't cleared his name of the abuse of young women. If the monarchy wants to promote themselves as living where they are above the law and feel they are at liberty to abuse our young without accountability then its time for them to go. Who in this age wants a monarchy who condones predators and worse insist on parading them at high profile events. Its absolutely revolting. If the royals are going to flaunt their abusers of women what does it say about them and what does it say about a country that condones it.

  • Park Avenue

    OK. I see your point.
    However, Andrew was never arrested, tried or convinced of any crime.
    The 'accuser', on the other hand…. well, she has some severe credibility problems.
    Because she produced an image of her with Andrew does not prove anything.
    As far as the settlement?
    I'm sure he was encouraged to just get it over so his Mother can enjoy her Jubilee, Birthday and the Memorial for Prince Philip could commence without any distraction.
    That is just my opinion.
    Thank you for your reply and posting your point of view. Much appreciated.

  • Guest

    Pa, if he is so innocent then why would he evade the law and answering their questions. Paying someone to go away doesn't seem to be the act of an innocent man. I am neither for or against the royals. I can appreciate the good they do and I think having the Queen as an ambassador, should the Priminister make a gaffe. It is very clever for a country to have this assistance to clear potential issues but that is why I believe conduct and example is imperative. Leaning on the arm of someone involved in sexual abuse is not a good look on anyone especially a Queen. There are plenty who are not as unbiased as myself and would love nothing better than to use this error in the Queens judgment as an example of how the royals don't think us ordinary people matter, the abuse of our young don't matter, we are just here to pay homage and taxes whilst they are above the law and can do as they please. That is the message that has been sent by this thoughtless demonstration both to the UK and Commonwealth.

  • Park Avenue

    Miss Virginia didn't have to accept that settlement. She could have demanded a trial, thus wasting more taxpayers money.
    But, she conceded.. It's over. And as far as I know, there are no other looming court cases against Andrew for rape, abusing prostitutes, etc.
    This case is OVER.
    Thank you, again for your considerate reply and vigorous debate.
    Much appreciated.
    P. A.