Royal Family News: Fame Hungry Prince Harry Blames Media For Intruding Into His Life

British royal family news reveals that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex is promoting his new series with Oprah Winfrey, The Me You Can’t See, by once again lashing out at his favorite punching bag, his family.

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According to Harry, the royal family responded with, “total silence or total neglect,” when he asked for help to deal with negative media coverage of his relationship with Meghan Markle.

It should be noted upfront that Harry does not grasp the concept of being a public figure and in order to gag the media, he has attacked the First Amendment. With that in mind let’s take a look at his complaints and how he’s dealt with them, including plenty of lawsuits.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Telling His Personal Tales

Harry said that in 2016 the British press ran a headline describing Meghan Markle as, “(almost) straight outta Compton.” He asked his family for “help” but not getting what they desired forced them to abandon the family and the country.

He said that in January 2019 Meghan told him she contemplated taking her own life. By their own admission, they went to HR, who told them there was nothing they could do for this particular situation.
“I thought my family would help but every single ask, request, warning, whatever it is, got met with total silence or total neglect,” said Harry of the avalanche of, “asks” he had.

“We spent four years trying to make it work. We did everything that we possibly could to stay there and carry on doing the role and doing the job, but Meghan was struggling.”

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Royal Family News – Prince Harry Did Not Get The Help He Needed

Of the media coverage Harry said, “I became aware that I’d been living in a bubble within this family, within this institution. You get followed, photographed, chased, harassed. The clicking of cameras and the flashing of cameras makes my blood boil.”

And yet, this is the life he abandoned in the UK, only to embrace it more so and willingly in the US. since relocating Harry has publicized himself everywhere, on a tour bus, at a stranger’s home, on podcasts and talks shows. It’s hard to buy into his demand for privacy when he is the one stepping into the spotlight on a regular basis.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Felt Trapped

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In the trailer for the movie, Winfrey asks how he began therapy: “It was meeting and being with Meghan. I knew that if I didn’t do the therapy and fix myself I was going to lose this woman who I could see spending the rest of my life with.”

“When she said, ‘I think you need to see someone,’ it was in reaction to an argument that we had.”

The Me You Can’t See is available from Friday, May 21, on Apple TV.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Gloria Trelles

    He's totally nuts!!@

  • Guest

    He's lost the narrative, if he ever even had a clue.

  • Guest

    I think Harry never grew up. Meghan calls the shots and he dances to the tune. How hypocritical of Harry to say he's hounded by the press when every single day he manages to get in the spotlight somehow; most of it is with his constant whining about every single thing. He doesn't remotely act like an adult, but he still gets a stage to gripe about the royal family. Oh, that stuff about his childhood, the pictures we all saw of Harry and Wills with their mother don't show any signs of distress in Harry. She died when he was 12. Guess what! LOTS of people lose their mothers and don't become whimpering babies. One other thing, Harry: Don't you dare talk about OUR 1st Amendment or any other. To say it's bonkers shows how uninformed you are. Best keep that big mouth shut, Harry. Although I don't think you know how to do that either! You have no respect for your family, I mean the Queen, your father, or your brother. The first person to come along and show you that you can get away with murder, you trashed your whole family! And I see you're going to do it again, for MONEY! Everything about you and your insidious wife is MONEY! Go back to THERAPY. Give the therapist a bunch of money to tell you everything you're doing is just fine. That will prove once and for all that you're an idiot.

  • Jezz

    The only talents Harry appears to have is his stunning hypocrisy and showing off his nasisstic personality. Ph and an ability to offend the UK, Canada and now America with his selfish comments and actions. All I hear is how terrible he feels his family have treated him whilst being totally oblivious of the fact his statements make his wife look like a dictator. He had to get better for her, he had to leave his country and his family for her and it looks like he has to do constant family trashing media interviews to keep relevant, is that for her too? Harry's royal family life might have been lacking but the impression he is giving of this new life isn't looking much better or all that supportive either, not with all the sacrifices and demands he's making. By his own admission he constantly states what he has to do to make it work and satisfy his wife. It appears more like he is having to meet criteria for a husband rather having a truly loving relationship.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    When everything becomes about U then it’s a sign ur a very selfish person with a severely selfish wife next to u . The next point is if u can trash ur brother who loved u so much n ur grandma when she’s still in mourning after the death of ur grandfather then u really need to do a soul searching n grow up or go to a rehab where they will fix ur mental health for the rest of ur spoilt life .

  • Guest

    U two have become so boring in every part of the world, not just in the US or UK. Someone who trashes their own family will be no good for anyone period !

  • Guest

    And she is out and out dangerous! What a pair!!!!!

  • Guest

    I think it is all bull. For someone not wanting to be in the news he sure is going out of his way to be there. As for family dirty laundry we all have it we just don’t hang it out. Don’t blame he royal family for being silent I don’t even buy magazines that have Harry and Megan on the covers anymore.