Royal Family News: Gayle King Has More Royals Tea

British royal family news reveals that her latest move will leave many wondering what Gayle King has against Queen Elizbeth. Back in March Gayle and her gossip buddy Oprah Winfrey became Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s mouthpieces, enabling them to trash his family in a very public, utterly shameless manner.

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While Harry’s 99-year old grandfather Prince Philip lay dying in the hospital Oprah and the Markle’s aired a tell-all in which the royal family was dragged like a stubborn mule.

That jaw-dropping interview rumbled the monarchy and threw buckets of the blame on his family for things like taking away Harry’s allowance.

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Afterward, Gayle gushed to the camera that Harry filled her in on a subsequent private conversation with his father and spilled the deets to the world.

Sidekick Gayle will now host an hour-long show, The Queen Carries On: A Gayle King Special, on Friday night. But wait, there’s more. Plenty of big names have agreed to talk to her including Paul McCartney and former President Barack Obama,

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Haven’t BFF’s Oprah and Gayle dragged the royals enough? At this point zeroing in on the royals as they continue to do might lead some to suspect a vendetta.

According to a press release from CBS, the show will, “look at [Her Majesty’s] extraordinary life and reign.” It won’t be an attribute episode, however. It will examine “controversies” and “heartbreak,” no doubt issues the 95-year old monarch has no need of revisiting after the loss of her husband of 73 years. And yet the hits keep on coming.

Why Is The Monarchy Being Featured On CBS?

The press release makes it clear that the show’s agenda is not to highlight the queen’s accomplishments as it refers to the destructive allegations made by Harry and Meghan during their Oprah trash-a-thon on March 7.

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As the statement notes, “[The Queen is] now 95 and facing one of the most challenging chapters of her reign. She just lost her husband of 73 years, Prince Philip, whom she called her “strength and stay.” So why do another expose on a woman who has held office for decades and held her head high while the likes of Harry and Meghan try to destroy the monarchy?

It would appear that someone has a reason for targeting the monarchy, with besties Oprah and Gayle teaming up with the Markle’s and now shining a second glaring spotlight on the beloved UK institution. What gives here? What agenda is in play that makes the royal family such an attractive target?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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  • Guest

    Gayle and Oprah and MM are on a mission it seems to take down the monarchy. Why? What did it ever do to them?

  • lbc

    Everything with MM and the monarchy seem to have been even more touchy and stressed since the Oprah interview so I would assume she is gaining support for her side of the story. Who knows, and no one should really care except those involved. MM entered into a world she knew nothing about and now can't take the heat of what that type life it involves, which is do as I say. As on lookers in this situation most people will probably never be able to agree with the rules and regulations of being a member of the monarchy which is so much different from American lifestyles. The only thing anyone can be sure of is that the monarchy won't change in any way, shape or form.

  • Guest

    It's so very awful when a family member takes it upon themselves to cause such scandal. Shame on Harry for allowing this. I hate to call him out but no one's family is perfect. But, family is family and he should protect them not try and hurt them. He will live to regret this. I hope his wife or children do not do the same to him. Then he will see what hurt he has caused.

  • Guest

    Harry will see the day that He wished he had never met MM!

  • Guest

    When Harry and Meagan drop the Royal titles and just use their plain names I might believe some of what they say, but as long as they use Royal titles to make money and push their agenda I do not believe a word they say. It is all for money, plain and simple. I for one do not want to hear their voices, period.

  • Guest

    We can only hope, (and pray), that he will come to his senses, and see how seriously she is "gaslighting" him…and playing on his weaknesses, to her advantage and gain. She's a real clever, "smooth, operator"!!!! I think there are a lot of people who dearly wish Harry had never met MM, myself included!!!!

  • Guest

    There is enough bull shit going on in the states so why tear the monarch apart. Does it give you joy to try and bring the rest of the world down to your level. You are making a great name for yourself as the worst hated people in the world. Leave the royal family alone take your trailer trash Megan and spoiled Harry and just crawl back in the hole you all came out of. We are tired of you smirks and her preaching as if she was the most educated person on everything in the world. She only identified as a black after she married Harry. Look at her job applications she says she is white. A totally disgusting group of nothing.

  • Jezz

    Money must be the only things these people care about. Certainly Harry does because not many would permit an interview and make false and hurtful accusations with a dying grandfather in hospital. As for Gayle and Oprah giving interviews, which obviously have no intention of getting to the truth just proves they are happy to do cheap and racist interviews against the monarchy and the UK. As for Megan shame on her, she had an opportunity to represent people of colour in such a positive way but has instead chosen to help Harry create this horrible and unnecessary situation. I'm not a Royalist but I respect the Queen has tried to do her job throughout her life to the best of her ability, with loyalty, honour and dignity. Harry and Megan are spiteful and malicious and their statements about privacy is complete and utter BS. And if they are incapable of showing kindness and charity to their 90+ grandparents you can't convince me they are charitable and care for strangers, it's just a nasisstic act.

  • Guest

    Frankly I think of Harry as a poor imitation of Prince William. If Harry'd just tried to talk to his brother before he and Meghan flew the coop, things might have turned out differently. Harry's always been a follower, and now with Meghan being his Captain there is not going to be an end to Harry's whining about his father cutting him off, Harry's supposed dreadful childhood, etc. First, how can he bitch about his father cutting him off on one hand, and on the other, gripe that his father mentally abused him as a child. I have seen many pictures of Harry's childhhood and until his Mother's death, I never saw one in which Harry wasn't smiling. (Hardly the look of a mentally abused boy). The evil part of this is that Meghan and Harry will continue their disparaging diatribe about the Royals as long as somebody shows them plenty of "green", because that's what they are all about. And cheer up, Harry, you're teaching your son Archie that he too can grow up and gripe about every single thing you did during HIS childhood.