Royal Family News: How Queen Managed Her Angst Over Her Children’s Divorces?

British royal family news shows that Queen Elizabeth is legendary for her motto, “never complain, never explain.” It has served her well through her seven decades on the throne. She has seen her share of scandal come and go, both professionally and personally. And never once has anyone told a tale of her demeanor slipping even in the toughest of times.

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What about behind the scenes? According to sources, “the divorces of three out of her four children played out publicly throughout the ’90s. But behind the scenes was a different story.”

Robert Hardman’s upcoming biography of Her Majesty is titled, Queen of Our Times: The Life of Queen Elizabeth II. In it he examines Queen Elizabeth’s ordeal as she watched the marriages of Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and Princess Anne end.

Royal Family News – The Queen Is Stoic

The author’s book is excerpted in People: “Outwardly stoical, as ever, the Queen was finding the divorce talks deeply upsetting. Another former member of the Household recalls that, every now and then, there would be a glimpse of her despair.”

“It distressed her much more than she let on,” a former staffer told Hardman. “I said, ‘Ma’am, it seems to be happening everywhere. This is almost common practice.’ But she just said, ‘Three out of four!’ in sheer sadness and exasperation. One shouldn’t underestimate the pain she’s been through.”

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Royal Family News – The Queen Loves Her Children Dearly

But no matter her inner anguish, Queen Elizabeth was cool as a cucumber during a wretched year, one she called, “annus horribilis.” The year was 1992 and in the span of 12 months fire broke at Windsor Castle plus she witnessed the demise of Charles, Anne and Andrew’s marriages. On top of that, the headlines were dominated by the scandals involving the late Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

Her former press secretary Charles Anson told Hardman, “I don’t remember a single occasion when I went to see her and she exclaimed, ‘No! What next?’ The issue was sometimes embarrassing, but she got on with it. It is immensely reassuring in those situations to work for someone who isn’t knocked back.”

He added that the queen was, “never short; never irritable; completely steady.”

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Royal Family News – Queen Elizabeth Is A Role Model

According to Hardman, she learned composure from her father, King George VI: “Her mother’s strategy in these situations— to carry on as if they were not happening—had earned her the nickname ‘imperial ostrich’ among royal staff. The Queen’s response, as ever, was to follow the example of her father, absorbed from his days at sea, and to treat adversity like the ocean.”

Hardman adds, “While the Queen has sometimes been accused of being slow to act, there has never been a charge of panic. Her default mode in the face of a crisis is stillness.”

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  • Guest

    I believe she did what she could without getting too involved. After all they were adults. She is impeccable in all she does.