Royal Family News: Insider Reveals Prince Harry Feels Different Than Meghan About Oprah Interview!

British Royal family news headlines are showing that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan Markle just can’t seem to get away from the spotlight. In particular,  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are facing continued scrutiny after the interview that they gave to Oprah Winfrey.

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How does Meghan Markle Prince Harry REALLY feel about that interview? A royal family insider is revealing ALL, and we’ve got the royal scoop below.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Dropped Bombshells In Oprah Winfrey: Regrets?

Imagine being Prince Harry. His life thus far has included:

  • Losing his beloved mother, Princess Diana, at a tragically young age in a horrifying accident caused by pursuing paparazzi.
  • Living in the spotlight all his life, with every woman he greets as a young man photographed with the caption as “Prince Harry’s future wife?”
  • Thinking he finally found his true love in Meghan Markle, complete with a royal wedding broadcast around the world
  • Facing continued scrutiny of his new wife and making the decision to step back from the royal family, including his brother Prince William, father Prince Charles, and grandmother Queen Elizabeth, to head for what ultimately proved to be a new residence in California

What would you do next? For Prince Harry, the answer proved to be an interview with Oprah Winfrey, in which he and Meghan Markle revealed how and why they left the royal family.

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But as the reverberations continue from that interview, with news leaks that Prince William remains angry about Meghan’s criticism of William’s wife Kate Middleton, does Prince Harry wish they’d never done the interview?

The answer is “yes,” according to a royal family insider.

Harry, 36, now feels “regretful and embarrassed” for his attack on his own royal family, according to Duncan Larcombe, who authored Prince Harry: The Inside Story.

“Harry was clearly hurt and angry about Meghan’s experience with the royals — and used the interview to get it out,” explained Duncan, known as a royal family expert. “But after returning home, I’ve no doubt he’s been feeling embarrassed, regretful, and awkward.”

The reference to “returning home” refers to Prince Harry recently traveling from California to attend the funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip. Harry met up with his brother Prince William and father Prince Charles for the first time after his interview with Oprah Winfrey, and he reportedly faced challenges in renewing his relationships with those and other royal family members.

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Prince Harry is “facing the consequences” of his interview with Oprah,” summed up Larcombe. “I believe he’ll regret that interview — and maybe his decision to leave the royal family.”

Meghan Markle Reportedly Feels Very Different Than Prince Harry About Oprah Winfrey Interview!

Prince Harry’s royal biographer claims that Meghan Markle feels just fine about her interview with Oprah Winfrey. It’s a startling contrast to Harry’s emotions, and that clash is causing Duncan to predict that Meghan and Harry are facing a “difficult” marriage as a result.

Markle reportedly loves California, feeling “elated” and “in her element” in her dream mansion in the exclusive community of Santa Barbara. With superstars like Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey herself for neighbors, Meghan is “excited for their future,” added Larcombe.

“Her dream was always LA. So these two feelings — Meghan excited for their future and Harry nostalgic for his old life — are bound to cause tension for them,” summed up the royal family expert.

As a result, Larcombe predicts that Harry cannot continue in his “new life” while achieving peace with his royal family. The royal biographer called it a “lose-lose situation” for Prince Harry, noting that he doubts Meghan Markle’s husband “will be able to live harmoniously as a part of these two worlds — the royals and the LA showbiz world.”

Meghan MarkleOprah WinfreyPrince Harry
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  • Guest

    Nut-Meg is content….she has got everything that she planned to get, with the exception she still wants more and more money, so, she won't let Harry, her "meal ticket" out of her sight for long, just in case he might escape!!!! If only Harry "could" get away from her, it might be his salvation. But, escaping a narcissist like Nut-Meg is difficult..he would have to make a "clean break" and run for his life, and he does not seem to be strong enough to do that. Wait until his daughter is born…Nut-Meg will expect and demand all his attention, and she will sink her evil claws deeper in to Harry and she will have the nerve to expect full attention from Harry's family. Harry, would need some "outside" help to plan and execute a successful escape from Nut-Meg, especially getting the children away from her and to safety.

  • Guest

    Harry is a rock star now, he has the real title, Meg is along for the ride as long as he lets her.

  • Guest

    Typical Harry…. Does something without thinking then has to ask forgiveness!

  • Guest

    It probably is true that Harry regrets what was said…his awkwardness during the interview made me wonder if he said about WILLIAM and Charles aren’t able to get out…get out of what, that is Charles and Williams life, their family..they aren’t stuck in the Monarchy and can’t get out…this is not just their family, but a job that they have.Markle wasn’t the big star in the Monarchy and I believe she thought she would be. Harry listened to her crying and putting on an act to get where she wanted to be…remember he said he wouldn’t have left the Monarchymif he had not have met Meagan..did you see how he looked when he said it? But with all of this, I’m sorry Ophra Winfrey did a wrong time interview and as well why would she want to revert to a Maury Povitch style of journalism….I have no respect or her and her friend Gayle King. This should have been an interview about their life in California, not their petty childish complaints because things didn’t go her way..sham on you Harry and Meagan

  • Jezz

    What would I do or what would most of us do if we were Harry. Well we'd probably say to ourselves, ok I don't much like the family business and it's causing conflict. So I will take the intelligent, sensible option, resign and move to where my wife is happy. I won't expect to hold a my military position poolside in Hollywood but that's ok I've made my choice. That will enable me to focus on private business interests and my family. What I won't do is slander my family, because there are two sides to every story and I will be much happier with distance and the occasional cordial family vacation. That's what most of us sensible people would have done and that's the option I was hoping Harry would take on resigning and leaving. He didn't do it because he is a fool and has proven time and time again he is not trustworthy or intelligent enough to continue to hold and senior UK or Commonwealth position military or otherwise and certainly shouldn't be in line to the throne.