Royal Family News: Is Prince Harry’s Coldness Toward Camilla Revealing?

British royal family news shows that Prince Charles’ wife Camilla Parker-Bowles will become Queen Consort once he is crowned king. Queen Elizabeth made the announcement on February 5 indicating her approval of the move, and leaving no room for disagreement.

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Prince Charles issued a statement afterward and Camilla spoke about the honor during an interview a few days later.

Camilla Will Be Queen

Charles’ sons Prince William and Prince Harry did not congratulate their stepmother publicly and that did not escape the attention of royal experts including Andrew Morton. The royal watcher thought the lack of acknowledgement was interesting, especially on Harry’s part. His latest book is the biography ‘The Queen’ and he told, “It’s noticeable that, I don’t think, Harry sent her a message of congratulations. There doesn’t seem to be much warmth between Camilla and Prince Harry.”

Is Prince Harry A Sore Loser?

Morton also brought up Prince Harry’s interview with Hoda Kotb in The Hague during the Invictus Games. Harry told the talk show hostess of thinking about his late mother, “For me it is constant. It has been over the last two years. More so than ever before.”

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Morton added that Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge also failed to publicly congratulate Camilla on her Queen Consort honor saying, “It’s interesting that neither of Diana’s sons sent a statement of much warmth. They kind of made it clear it was up to the older generations to decide what to do.”

Prince William Failed To Congratulate Camilla

So, who does Morton think is closer to Camilla, Harry or William? He thinks that the Duke of Cambridge is closer to her than Harry, “due to their physical proximity and the role Camilla had in supporting Kate. William spends a lot more time with Camilla than Harry, as he is 6,000 miles away.”

He added, “And Camilla did spend time bringing Catherine into the fold, so there is a sense of forgive and move on.”

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To be fair, Harry has acknowledged Camilla in the past. Royal watcher Angela Levin wrote in her book ‘Harry: Conversations with the Prince’ that Harry said of Camilla: “To be honest, she’s always been very close to me and William. She’s not a wicked stepmother. Look at the position she’s coming into. Don’t feel sorry for me and William, feel sorry for her.”

He went on to say, “She’s a wonderful woman and she’s made our father very, very happy which is the most important thing. William and I love her to bits.” So, what speaks louder here, actions or words?

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 Editorial credit: lev radin /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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