Royal Family News: Kate Snubbed Meghan – Only Hugs People ‘That She Likes’

British Royal Family News says that it seems like there’s really no end to ‘hugging-gate,’ if we want to call it that. While Meghan Markle has told the world that she was taken aback when she didn’t get the warm embrace that she expected from her future sister-in-law Kate Middleton, there’s a new report that suggests the Princess of Wales only hugs people that “she likes.” Ouch. Talk about hitting where it hurts the most, right? Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Royal Family News – Kate Snubbed Meghan – Only Hugs People ‘That She Likes’

Former Brexit leader Nigel Farage, who probably has more important things to worry about than the royal feud between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, says that the Princess of Wales didn’t give Meghan a hug simply because she “sussed her out” from the very start.

He told Sky News, “The whole idea that Kate is this very cold fish, and yet you’ve seen the joy when she met a former schoolteacher of hers, you saw the joy with that wonderful polar explorer. The point is, Kate hugs people she likes, which is why she didn’t hug Meghan because she sussed her out very early on – how wise and how magnificent Kate is.”

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Oh my. It seems like everyone has an opinion about this topic, now don’t they? Well, suffice to say, the internet does, too. Some comments have included, “These people need surgery to remove their lips from royals arses. So Kate can hug someone she never met before and be okay but she disliked Meghan from the beginning?” along with, “Why is this what they’re obsessing over? They could have just ignored it entirely, but if they had to say anything, it should have been “Kate’s not a big hugger and that’s fine.” That’s it. No one would care.”

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So far Kate Middleton hasn’t really said anything herself about hugging-gate and the real reason why she never gave Meghan the hug that she so desperately wanted. Watch this space.

Tell us British Royal Family fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. We’ll make sure to update you with all of the latest information about King Charles, Prince William, Kate Middleton and the rest of the firm right here.

Editorial credit: LINGTREN.COM /

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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