Royal Family News: King Charles’ Coronation Doomed If Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Don’t Go?

British royal family news predicts that The Duchess and Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, are in a darned if they do, darned if they don’t situation in regard to King Charles III’s coronation in May.

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Harry’s father is officially installed as regent on May 6, which is the same day as the birthday of the couple’s eldest child, Archie. The rumor mill has been churning with chat about what they will do and where they will be on May 6. Let’s take a look at the scintillating possibilities and what we know so far.

Royal Family News: Harry And Meghan In Tough Spot

We know that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been invited to the coronation event in May. They made sure to tell the world that they scored an invite, despite the nasty way they have dragged his family for the last three years.

In a revealing turn of events, Harry is in London for a court case, but no one in his fam wanted to break bread with him. Again, the Markle camp leaked that poor little Orphan Andy was told that his family is too busy to meet with him. But that is not entirely transparent, in fact his immediate family members are out of the country.

Royal Family News: Harry Not An Orphan

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Public relations expert Edward Coram-James told GB News that if the Markles do not make an appearance at the kid’s table at the coronation, it would be an “irreversible blow” to the royal family—what is he inhaling?

Yes, it is a historic celebration, but it also coincides with Prince Archie’s 4th birthday so it is understandable that the Markles would expect the royals to be at his party and not the reverse. Just like they did when their daughter Lili’s birthday fell during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee last June and they couldn’t understand why no one was available to attend her backyard party.

But would their absence cause a “fatal” rift with Harry’s family?

Royal Family News: Harry’s Coronation Invite

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The PR doc thinks: “In a universe in which the damage already caused by the rift is still recoverable from, at least in part, a no-show would be the fatal, irreversible blow, both in the public perception as well, potentially, as within the family itself … it risks drawing out the conflict over the long term.”

Royal Family News: Harry Has a Decision to Make

Coram-James added, “And the shadow of their absence would loom large over the entire ceremony, risking becoming the elephant in the room and an unwanted sideshow.” Actually, their presence itself would be a sideshow is more like it. Tell us royal fans, do you think the Markles should be at the coronation?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Pam

    I have been reading that Archie was born on April 6th, but in another article, it refers to his birth date being April 20th as stated by someone else?

    So what is his actual birth date??

    • Ann

      No, H and M should not go!!! Archie’s birthday party can be any day, most people have it on a weekend near the special day! As to when is his birthday, ask the surrogate mom, she’ll have pale, white skin and red hair!!