Royal Family News: King Charles Looking Forward To Reading ‘Spare’ On Vacation?

British royal family news shows that the royal family are ready to spend their annual summer vacation at Balmoral.

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Lazy summer days are perfect for a little light reading, so might King Charles look through Spare, his traitor son Prince Harry’s memoir?

No way according to The Mirror who claims the regent hasn’t gone near the NSFW tome which is equal parts filth and meanness. But it’s likely that the king was briefed of the tome’s contents when it dropped in January.

Royal Family News: Harry’s Memoir Spare

The Daily Mail’s Rebecca English talked to a family insider who told her of Charles “Why would he read something he knows is going to be so hurtful?”

The trashy book is full of more of Harry’s bizarre rants and family dirty laundry. What parent would willingly wade into a situation in which they know they will be bad-mouthed?

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Harry and Meghan Markle’s camp claim that from now on the couple will stay away from destruction of the monarchy and focus on better things.

About that innuendo, an insider told The Mirror “If true, that can only be a good thing and may offer a sliver of hope that at some point in the future personal relationships can be rebuilt.”

Royal Family News: Harry and Meghan’s New Direction

Will Harry and Meghan move on from their vendetta against his family? At least one royal expert, Valentine Low, thinks it’s possible.

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He told Good Morning Britain that he believes the terrible twosome appearance do want to move on: “I’ve spoken to their people who, basically, in terms of accusations against the royal family, they say, ‘We’re done. We’ve done that.’”

It would be wonderful for his family if the couple can find a way to make money that doesn’t involve selling out his family. But so far they have done nothing to indicate they have bankable, let alone desirable, talent or skill.

Meghan signed with WME talent agency in April and the well is still dry. Think about it: why would a company risk it’s brand by associating with such lightening rod?

Royal Family News: Can Meghan Ever Find Work Again?

The couple may be ready to kiss and make up with his family. OK! reported on the rumor that the couple want to rent an apartment in Kensington Palace to prove to his family that they can be trusted again.

But the source noted that the couple, while wanting to be back in the family fold, they also want to be “separate” from the family. Which sounds like more of the same gameplaying from the toddlers. In this scenario it sounds like they want to be half in and half out, and that idea was negated by the late Queen Elizabeth.

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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