Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Accused Of Being a Freeloader

British royal family news teases that Meghan Markle is familiar with buffets, after moaning about having to eat at Sizzler every night when she was a kid. Which is why former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown’s claim rings true: Meghan thought being a royal meant making deals at the “celebrity buffet.”

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Brown’s book ‘The Palace Papers’ just dropped and she told Washington Post Live, that Meghan has, “no purpose,” and desired to, “cash in,” on being a royal.

Was Meghan Markle A Freeloader?

Prince Harry and Meghan deserted the monarchy for money in a horrendous adieu termed Megxit. Before this, Brown claims, Meghan and Harry, “wanted to be able to have a commercial arm to their activities. That was the stumbling block. Meghan certainly saw the deals that were there to be made because they were royals.” Ka-ching, just like when she carried briefcases on Deal Or No Deal! Who didn’t see this coming?

Brown added, “It’s as though she couldn’t resist everything that was on offer on the celebrity buffet. A hunger to avail herself of the global leverage, to live in glorious houses without strings attached.”

One can’t deny that Meghan lived in glorious houses after ditching the royals. She bedded down in Tyler Perry’s house for a while and lived in a reputed Russian oligarch’s house for a spell.

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Was Meghan Markle  At the Buffet?

According to Brown, “Meghan was inspired by Michelle Obama and wanted to have the wealth as well as the stature. However, she also insisted that Harry would have wanted to leave the royal family even without Meghan.”

Then she dropped a zinger: “A very close adviser told me ‘we always knew he would go at some point he was very unhappy. Even the Queen knew.”

“I really think Harry wanted out, himself. Meghan gave Harry the tools to leave. She understood the world of agents and deals. I mean this wasn’t Harry’s world, but suddenly he had in Meghan a very worldly strategist who he decided to trust above all the other advisors.” And the rest is history.

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Did Meghan Markle Provide Prince Harry Valuable Tools?

All has not been wine and roses however since their defection, according to Brown. She thinks that the former cable actress can’t decide on a “brand” and that the thirsty pair could not have imagined what life would really be like cut off from the freebies of the palace—rent, food, clothes, etc. “They both completely underestimated what it was going to be like to be without the palace platform. The Palace has amazing convening power, every major invitation in the world comes through that conduit. All of that is now gone.” Yes, but Meghan has star power from her past as a, a, what is it exactly that she did before Harry?

“Nothing is really going anywhere for Meghan,” said Captain Obvious. As she wisely points out, “She was suddenly completely dependent on her husband for money and he was completely dependent on the bank of dad – Charles and at the same time had to ask Granny for one of the houses on the royal estates to live.” Welcome to the real world, Duke and Duchess of Excess.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Kathy Anderson

    Queen of free loaders & not that good at it.

  • Guest

    Yes, she is!!!! MM seems to think that the world owes her a living and that everyone is beneath her…..she has that much of an over-inflated ego and high opinion of herself.

  • Guest

    definitely feel she is a free loader benefiting from the Royal name and a title she has not earned but a mockery of. Shame on you Meghan .

  • Guest

    YES!!! A loser one at that! Useless woman

  • Guest

    How the hell do any of you jealous, miserable nobody's have a clue what that woman is like? You don't! You don't travel in her social circle. You've never been in her home. You've never been privy to any of her conversation's with the Queen or any of the royals for that matter. You're obviously to uneducated to formulate your own opinions, so you just regurgitate everything you read in the gossip rags, who by the way, wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the a$$! You're all just a bunch of venomous vipers. And how would you feel if someday, a member of your family, maybe a daughter or grandaughter were to be slandered and trashed just like you trash her. And $50 says all of you proclaims to be good, God fearing Christian's. And what you really are, is dispicable..