Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Constant Whining Angering The Public

Meghan Markle And Harry British royal family news reveals that last week the pain and suffering and even displacement that Meghan Markle, Duchess Of Sussex and Prince Harry have endured since their tactless move to the US on a mission to make as much money as possible was all over the news.

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Insiders leaked to outlets how hurt and just put out having to move so many times and being covered on social media really dragged them down. Just seriously altered their way of all and all that.

Needless to say most of the cognitively functioning world replied, “cry me a river,” and other words unfit for a family publication.

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Have Not Earned Any Sympathy

According to experts the collective reaction to their pity party is a big raspberry.

How much sympathy can there be for a privileged and entitled couple whose series of moves involved multimillion dollars mansions in exclusive areas the rest of can’t even drive through? Give us a break Harry and Meghan it’s not like you were the ones actually moving the tables and chairs.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Tone Deaf

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Royal expert Daniela Elser said the thirsty pair are not building a positive image for themselves in the US became they and their insiders keep complaining about how hard they have it, while living in the middle of luxury and wanting for nothing.

She wrote in the New Zealand Herald, “This week the UK passed the grim and horrifying milestone of more than 100,000 lives lost to the pandemic while in the US, 425,000 of people have been killed by the virus. Meanwhile, unemployment and food scarcity have skyrocketed.”

“Against this backdrop, their complaints of having to move between various mansions, three of which are in the $20 million price range, hardly qualifies as a hardship worthy of an outpouring of sympathy, especially when the concerned party has a spiffy, luxurious country house of their own back in Windsor.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has Been Accused Of Excess

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Elser said the couple’s biography Finding Freedom is making matters worse. It reads, “For Meghan, the challenges of enjoying motherhood while being constantly uprooted have been difficult. Over the past year the family have lived in four homes – from Windsor to Vancouver for almost six months, then a speedy relocation to friend Tyler Perry’s Hollywood Hills property to beat the pandemic travel ban in March, before laying more permanent roots at their nine-bedroom home in Montecito, near Santa Barbara.’

A friend of the Duchess said, “It’s just been a lot. Their nanny moved back to the UK when they moved to LA because of the pandemic and restrictions left them feeling quite alone. Each move made them feel more displaced.”

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  • Guest

    If your talking about The Lacy Bra if and when u order and need to return U Will Not get a refund!!! I ordered in November and I was constantly trying to get my refund through Dec and Jan and received nothing.

  • Guest

    Complaining about displaced several times, that was their choice. I guess they finally had to quit sponging off everybody.

  • Guest

    I don’t see it as them whining at all. Can’t think of anytime they whined. Stay pressed. They are living a great life.

  • Guest

    Running out of real news and need some made up click bait?

  • Guest

    They r nobody's now. Why r they still banging away trying to get attention. Can't see where they have anything to say that would interest anybody. They could stop being selfish and spring w a picture of Archie once in awhile other than that they r just commoners whose opinions r no better than anyone else's.

  • Jezz

    Of course it is! How can a couple who have so much act like it's not ever enough!! They wanted to leave the UK and their duties, the people were disappointed but would have gotten over it had they have done what they said they wanted and lived a private life away from the media. But they didn't do that did they, they turned and sought media attention time and time again. Even competing with the Royals on Veterans Day of all things, that was disgraceful behaviour! Their split personalities lecturing, criticising people and then name calling when people call out their BS. And then after all the insults to the people of the UK Harry feels he has the right to still represent their military. They take people for fools and then don't like it when the media and public call them out for the user's they are. People don't care they choose to live in Hollywood but they do care about these two trying to manipulate the situation in order to try and have their cake and eat it. There are enough Royals actually living and working in the UK, Royals who actually appreciate their privileges, they don't need the services of this self-pitying, unreliable couple, who don't want to live there and only want to do Royal duties when it suits, the people of the UK have better things to do with their taxes.