Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Dig Up Old News In An Effort To Smell Good

British royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry wasted no time churning up their PR machine following their latest fiasco. As soon as they boasted of booking a seat on Queen Oprah’s couch, the real Queen, Elizabeth, showed them who’s the boss by ripping off the band-aid.

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These two commercial sell-outs are officially no longer working royals after a year of yanking around the queen, testing her patience and limits and goodwill by trading their titles and royal patronages for deals with Spotify and Netflix.

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Way back in April 2020, the two announced their grand charity called the Archewell Foundation. In December they announced that Archewell struck a deal with the World Central Kitchen charity group to build four Community Relief centers.

Today it was announced with great fanfare that construction on one center has been completed. This wouldn’t be a deliberate attempt on their part to deflect eyes from their more recent, less than charitable actions would it? Nah, they would never be so calculated.

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This statement was issued: “The kitchen equipment—including refrigerators and freezers that can work entirely off the electrical grid using solar power—is now installed and ready for the school’s staff to cook for students and the community, and we will be launching a culinary training program later in the year. These trainings, based on Sink To Stove and our upcoming Chef Relief Training program, will equip chefs with the skills necessary to cook for the community and even feed large numbers of people in an emergency. From this Community Relief Center, we anticipate being able to prepare thousands of meals per day in the direct aftermath of any future storm.”

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Contrast that glowing statement to the one Meghan and Harry made in January 2020, a rude bombshell that they were disenchanted with the country and his family and they, “intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the royal family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen.”

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They did no such thing, rather they publicly criticized her and blatantly threw royal protocol to the wolves by politicizing themselves in America.

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A inside source told E! News this week that the couple will be, “speaking their truth” to Oprah on March 7 adding, “There is a lot of tension between them and the royal family. The interview is going to shine a light on what they have been through. Meghan and Harry are relieved they are away from it all.”

No doubt the Queen is, too.

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  • Jezz

    After Oprah there doesn't seem to be much left for them to peddle. I hope the Royal family are careful in future not to provide them with anything they can use for that media attention they claim to not want because I don't think they can be trusted.

  • Guest

    I think this article by angry British media is exactly what they’re getting away from and what gave Harry mental health issues

  • Tabbycat

    Articles like this perfectly illustrate why they left. This article is bitter, nasty, petty and a perfect example of the hate they faced daily. The attacks and smears they endured. Yet, they ignore Prince William’s rumored affair with his neighbor, and Prince Andrew rape of under aged sex trafficked girls. Articles like this drove Diana to her death and I do believe they wanted to drive Meghan to miscarry and in her misery, to her death. The UK tabloids and articles and writers like this are exactly WHY they left. They thought Harry would stick around and allow them to kill his wife, writers like this are pissed that he choose to take his wife and son out of the toxic atmosphere that appeared to be sanctioned by the palace, his father and brother.

  • Tabbycat

    The Royal Family is at best of petty, small, jealous, racist people. Why arent they concentrating on Williams mistress and Andrew’s rape of under aged girls. Why does Andrew still have his HRH titles, allowance and state paid for home. But Meghan and Harry had to pay black the money on their home and not use their HRH titles. I guess the royal family prefers adulterous royals like William and rapist like Andrew, but cannot tolerate a biracial woman in their family.

  • Jezz

    I don't know the Queen but from what I have seen she seemed to try to be very supportive of Megan. The Queen is 90+, run a country and has a large family (with as you rightly put has also challenge her with their poor choices). I would guess she didn't deliberately overlook Megan's struggles but probably had a lot going on with other family problems. The only reason Andrew is avoiding the roth of the UK media is because he is laying low. If he steps out I have no doubt Harry will be the last thing they will care about because the UK will hold his feet to the fire given half a chance. Many in the UK would only like pay tax to only keep the Queen, because their taxes are brutal. Do you or have you ever lived in the UK? I was happy to see a person of colour join the Royals and be able to give representation to people who could benefit from a royal who they could have related to. Perhaps some of my anger is because it is based on disappointment that some of my friends and relatives will now not get represented because Megan has moved to Hollywood. Racism isn't exclusive to people of colour as you have clearly pointed out in this response. I feel fortunate my family never raised us to judge people on their race or colour. I have friends of many races and my life is richer for them.

  • Tabbycat

    I agree, she is elderly, but she can read and the attacks were quite frequent and slanted. Surely she was informed her great grand son was called a monkey, and yet, nothing?? I think it becomes easy to throw someone u ever a bus when your blood is involved. I think, Harry expected William to be more helpful since Harry, if I remember correctly czlled Kate and sister and defended her when the press went after her. William did nothing. Its easy to blame the victim so we don’t have to examine our parts. Yes, I have lived in the UK, admittedly many years ago, the tabloids were racist and rancid in the late 80’s and they still are. Meghan laid low on maternity leave, it just got worse. She couldnt touch her own belly or have toast with avocado without being attacked. Andrew is protected. It would displease the queen if Andrew’s rape habits were made tabloid fodder, they (the palace) made that clear, William “affair” hands off, also made clear. I agree with you, not everything is racist, but had the palace truly wanted to protect Meghan, even after Harry went to them for help, they would have. It suited their purpose to let the tabloids feed on the black woman, and let William and Andrew have a pass. Thank you for your thoughtful response, it gave me pause for thought. Its appreciated