Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Doing “Second Oprah Interview” To Reverse Pitiful Image?

British royal family news shows that after Megxit, Harry and Meghan the Duke and Duchess of Sussex did a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.

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The tell-all was typical Oprah material, and she stared at them with her mouth hanging open more than once. They made many claims about his family, the monarchy, the Archbishop of Canterbury, etc., and later many of those scandalous allegations were proven false. Are these two sketchy characters set to reprise their antics for Round Two with Oprah?

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Are Up For Round Two?

After the episode aired, Buckingham Palace released a statement that said, “while some recollections may vary,” the issues were, “taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately.” Harry whined that his dad cut off his allowance and Meghan cried that Kate Middleton was mean to her before her wedding to prince charming. She also said a nasty story about the Archbishop that he denied. Who does that?

Tina Brown’s new book has painted them in an ugly light and allegedly they are ready to cleanse themselves at the alter of Oprah once again.

Royal Family News: Will The Markle’s Meet Up With Oprah Again?Brown interviewed 120 people for the book titled ‘The Palace Papers.’ According to Express, “a source said to be close to the Duchess, said that the claims made by Tina Brown had really gotten under Meghan’s skin.” And so, Harry and Meghan are ready to, “come out fighting,” and do, “major damage control.” Oh my.

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Oprah Could Have Another Ratings Winner

The source told Heat magazine: “These latest claims have really gotten under Meghan’s skin. She’s told her team that something needs to be done. She’s so sick of the negative headlines and she’s desperate to come out fighting with some major damage control. “

“Meghan feels as though doing another chat with Oprah is the best way to change the narrative and counter all the negative claims she’s read about herself recently. She’s been in contact with Oprah’s people already.”

The source claims that Meghan wants to refute Brown’s account of the Sussex’s visit to Australia and the South Pacific in 2018 a visit she, “apparently hated every second of it. She found the itinerary of engagements ‘pointless,’ a former palace employee told me.”

“She didn’t understand why things were set up in that way. Instead of being excited when thousands of people showed up at the [Sydney] Opera House, it was very much like, ‘What’s the purpose? I don’t understand this.”

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Editorial credit: lev radin /

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Barbara

    I didn’t watch the first one and certainly won’t watch Harry and The Bitch try and destroy the monarchy. What is she thinking. Does she really think she will win anything. Most everyone hates her and Harry for what they have done so far. Get over it heffer and get on with your life. Just stay out of the media and you probably will be okay….

  • Guest

    Whats the point of watching! Oprah has proven with the first interview she isn't interested in the facts and just wants to give a platform to Brit bashing. Oprah obviously doesn't like the monarchy and people of the UK or she wouldn't have condoned such an interview. She obviously doesn't care, its not about getting to the truth is it, its about getting notoriety, ratings and $$$ because a truthful interview certainly wasn't of interest to Oprah the last time. As for Harry and Meghan, do they think another interview can really change their image! If they try to bitch about their family and the UK do they think they can be subtle enough to fool people? And if they try to play sweet and nice who's buying it after they said the things they did whilst Harry's grandfather was sick and dying and his grandmother obviously distraught! His poor grandmother has obviously deteriorated in health since the loss of Philip and I'm sure Harry's behavior with the Oprah interview and other drama hasn't helped the Queens failing health either. Then astonishingly Harry has the absolutely nerve after all this to turn up for a brief visit to check she's got the "right people" around her! I can understand William being angry with him if this was my family I wouldn't give Harry now the time of day. A conniving little weasel comes to mind. I hold Harry responsible not Meghan, not Oprah, its Harry's family, Harry's County they can load the bullets but Harry didn't have to fire the gun.