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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Furious Prince William Got COVID And Accuse Him Of “Lies?”

British royal family news reports that after learning that the UK’s Prince William survived COVID, Los Angeles based Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s reaction was to be livid over his “lies.”

That flies in the face of humanity and frankly sanity. Hollywood Harry could have lost his brother and his father Prince Charles to the terrible virus but according to a source Harry reacted with anger that William was not called out by the media.

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Were Furious That William Did Not Disclose He Had COVID

Last week news emerged that Prince William had contracted coronavirus in April. It had already been made public that his dad, Prince Charles had tested positive for the deadly virus and he has said he did not want to add to the public’s burden of worry as Prime Minister Boris Johnson had also tested positive.

In fact, he carried on and did 14 virtual events in isolation from his home without telling the public. The source who discussed William’s diagnosis said, “William was hit pretty hard by the virus – it really knocked him for six. At one stage he was struggling to breathe, so obviously, everyone around him was pretty panicked. William was determined it should be business as usual though. He was determined to fulfill his engagements.”

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Not Happy That Prince William Got COVID And Didn’t Tell Anyone

The source added that William said he did not disclose his condition earlier because “there were important things going on and I didn’t want to worry anyone.”

Now insiders are saying that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were furious about William’s “lies.” They have gone as far as to allegedly say that they are annoyed by the “double standards,” they’ve been treated with.

Sources Think That Meghan Markle And Prince Harry’s Reaction To William’s COVID Diagnosis Could Harm Their Relationship

The insider stated, “It is upset over how William’s being treated right now. The cold reality is that William essentially lied to everyone and there’s no doubt whatsoever that if the boot was on the other foot, Meghan and Harry would’ve been slammed far and wide.”

The chatty source opined that if it had been the couple who kept a COVID diagnosis secret they would have been dragged for, “secrecy and dishonesty.”

The source concluded, “But, of course, because it’s William and Kate, there’s no such scrutiny, let alone criticism. As far as the Sussexes are concerned, this is more evidence of a blatant agenda against them and this is exactly the kind of thing that drove them out of England.”

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  1. Guest says

    That only showed just how selfish and sorry they are. William put his country before himself to keep the nation calm and not add to more uncertainties with all going on with COVID and health of others. Harry and his witch wife should be ashamed of their actions. They are a disgrace to all that think they are the best, shame, shame, shame on them

  2. Guest says

    Shane on you, Don’t be so rude lady.
    William is miserable living with Kate the Hate while Harry is escaping with his soul intact.

  3. Guest says

    If all of you don’t remember Prince Charles married to Diana went out with that ugly Camille. What do you all call that? Then Married her and Royalty accepted her.

  4. Guest says

    Whatever Meghan wants to be something she isn’t instead of trying to fit in she pulls Harry away from his family and it’s all about her no one else she should be thankful the Royals accepted her neither one of them want to be a part of the Firm but they still want the titles can’t have ur cake and eat it too

  5. Guest says

    Where is the proof William had Covid? Is he trying to get one up over his dad?
    Lot of Jealousy in that family.

  6. Guest says

    I think Meghan totally RUINED Harrys relationship with his family, ruined everything he’s accomplished and was so proud of( military and charities) had him leave his country,& DESTROYED his life. He seems to be more depressed every time a story comes up, and I worry for his mental state. She knew he was a Royal and Prince when she met him if she couldn’t handle it she shouldn’t have married him.

  7. Guest says

    Meghan is so full of herself. She's as bad as her sister. Unfortunately Harry was taken in by her . He needs to stand up to her, not his family. Family is family. If I were him, without her knowledge head back to England with his son.

  8. Guest says

    William and Kate think theirshit doesn’t stink, and it’s getting worse by the day. Glad Megan and Harry got out. Kate did nothing to welcome Megan, and she is such a snob!

  9. Guest says

    Those two are the sickest people me me me poor poor us we get blamed for everything, His brother William was only thinking of his people so much going on in the country and he wanted to show a positive front for them, it was not hidden for any other reason but to protect the public from worrying about three leaders being ill, of course Hollywood Harry the slave boy to his mistress markle the destroyer would never be able to understand that, all spotlights have to be on them at all times everyone else be damned

  10. Guest says

    Megan has pushed all of her racial, selfish, pitiful, poor me on to sweet Harry. Now this is the way he thinks. He will never be anything in royalty. It’s sad for he was the kindest, loving royal ever.

  11. Guest says

    Harry has turned into a little bitch.

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