Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Suddenly Want To Meet With Queen Elizabeth

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry British royal family news reveals that palace aides are now in shock over Harry and Meghan’s latest power grab. According to The Sun, the pair have let it be known that they want to meet with Queen Elizabeth and have even offered to fly to the UK for a meet up, no doubt on a private jet all the while lecturing the public about the need to conserve on their end.

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Harry and Meghan reportedly want the queen to meet the great granddaughter supposedly named after her but who won’t be called Elizabeth.

It could all come down to the thirsty and scandal-ridden pair wanting to christen their four-month old, possibly at Windsor Castle.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Make An Outrageous Request

A source told the outlet, “Harry and Meghan have made this offer but a lot of people are shocked by the sheer nerve of it. They may genuinely want to see the Queen but it’s breathtaking given what they’ve put her through this year.”

According to reports, the palace hasn’t yet responded to Harry and Meghan’s jaw dropping request. But the insider said that the queen, “is still very fond of Harry, and would love to see Lilibet and her brother Archie. But courtiers are surprised by the move, especially from Meghan, after what has happened.”

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What has happened to make what would appear to be a simple visit request a major in-your-face-big -deal?

Royal Family News – Harry and Meghan Are Simply Outrageous

In March the pair gave a tell-all interview to Oprah Winfrey while Prince Philip was dying. In it they dragged his family with wild accusations of mistreatment, many of which were immediately proven false. They threw shade at her family as well innocent bystanders such as the Archbishop of Canterbury. Next came news that Harry is writing a tell-all memoir, thought to be a vehicle with which to further drag his family.

The book is being taken so seriously that the queen’s aides have supposedly “lawyered up” to fight back against any more ludicrous claims.

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Harry And Meghan Think Highly Of Themselves

A source told The Sun that no meeting has been agreed to and that it is undecided as to whether or not the rude pair will be asked over for Christmas after they were snubbed last year.

In June the California couple declared that their second child would be named Lilibet in honor of Elizabeth, but called Lili.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Harry & Meghan know that after the fiasco of their lies in the Oprah interview being exposed, the Obamas snubbing them, and even the likes of Oprah & Gayle King and the Clooneys now distancing from them, and being called out on their hypocrisy, H+M realise that their PR value is declining and they are falling out of favour among the A-list. They desperately want the child Lilibeth to have a "Royal Christening" at Windsor Castle to turn into a PR media event and renew their 'celebrity status' and to get more 'royal gossip' to use against the Royal Family in their next tell-all books & interviews. The Queen, Charles, and William will not fall for Harry & Meg's transparent fake ploy, and will not grant Harry & Meg any favours.

  • Guest

    They are trying to make her the bad guy, by saying no. Then she will look mean and they can play victim all over again.

  • Guest

    Totally spot on.

  • Guest

    Agree 100%. Burning Bridges should have been the books’ title!

  • Guest

    They wanted out so stay out

  • Guest

    I totally agree with you. However their little girl is innocent. I feel she deserves to meet her family and have the opportunity to have a royal christening. I feel Harry and Meghan are using this child like you say as a tool to try to gloss over their vulgar and disgusting behavior but as much as they disgust me I don't want to see this innocent child suffer because of it.

  • Guest

    I cannot stand Harry and Meghan. They are complete hypocrites and they disgust me how they behave, especially towards their families. However their children are innocent and should be entitled to have a relationship with both Harry and Meghan's family. Little Lilly should be entitled to meet her grandmother the Queen and have a royal christening as her cousins have done. If I was the Queen I would permit it but make sure it was a private event, out of the public eye. I would invite Meghan's family, even the ones she snubs and encourage healing. If I was the Queen I would give this innocent child her right to be christened but due to Harry and Meghans revolting behavior it would have to be on my terms. I believe the Queen won't deny her innocent granddaughter her right to be treated just like her other grandchildren. She might be a stern ruler but I believe she is still a loving grandmother.

  • Guest

    They want to meet with her about Windsor Castle because William would like to be near the Queen and have his family move there. The request from Meghan is all about jealousy!