Royal Family News: Meghan Markle And Prince Harry’s Latest PR Stunt The Final Straw For Queen Elizabeth?

British royal family news divulges that the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth may have finally reached her limit with the bratty antics of her grandson Prince Harry of Montecito, California. He has done a lot to raise her ire this year and it’s almost as if he has been daring her to severe the royal cord he cut back in January with his Megxit announcement. To date, that cord has been frayed and damaged repeatedly by the greedy prince but the queen may have finally delivered her last, and very public, smackdown.

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Has The Queen, Finally Told Harry Where He Belongs And It Isn’t In The Royal Fold?

The latest horrid example of churlish behavior on Prince Harry’s part came Sunday when he traipsed off to a cemetery to lick his wounds and by doing so raised the bar for his own repulsive behavior. Can he ever come back to a semblance of decency after he sunk so low as to exploit a place of reverence and worship to further his own selfish agenda? It seems as if Queen Elizabeth has finally had enough.

Why did he do this? Prince Harry asked the royal family that he threw away for money to lay a wreath on his behalf on Remembrance Sunday. He was denied which makes perfect sense since he is no longer a working royal—he is now the Fresh Prince of Montecito. To have acquiesced to his demands would have been incorrect according to Megxit and sent the message that he can be royal when he wants.

In response, crass Harry hired a celebrity photographer to follow him to the Los Angeles National Cemetery where he and his equally craven wife Meghan Markle defiled the grounds by turning it into a photo op of them amidst the graves.

The Duke Of Sussex And Meghan Markle Desecrated A National Cemetery For Their Own Benefit

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The couple’s decision to turn the final resting place of untold people’s loved ones did not sit well with most people. Nor should it.

Harry and Meghan did all of this wretchedness so that they could get back at the queen for rightfully denying their outrageous request.

Royal watcher and E! News host Morgan Stewart affirmed the correctness of Her Majesty’s decision, saying, “finally the line is drawn,” on Harry and Meghan’s foolishness.

“I can’t give exact examples but, obviously, they’ve detached themselves from the Royal Family, and in the times we’ve spoken about them since they’ve been in LA, there have been some small requests they’ve asked for.”

“You’re not senior members of the Royal Family anymore, enough. We’re not catering for you, you live in Santa Barbara, you’ve got rich, famous neighbors, you want to focus on other things.”

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She added, “We’re not doing things on behalf of you, you either show up like you’re supposed to do, or you’re not a part of it. It was kind of nice to see, finally, the line is drawn. We’re not just always going to extend something out for you, you’ve made this decision and now we’re following suit and respecting that.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Sharon Geosits

    Media is doing exactly what Harry and Meghan want…. keeping them in the news. No one cares about Harry and Meghan they are 2 attention grubbing idiots who think the world should revolve around them. There are way more important issues in the world to be bothered with them.

  • Guest

    Thank goodness everyone is seeing what a couple of traitorous people they are, they want the privilege of being Royal and being catered to as if they still belonged in the family. They insulted all the families who have loved ones buried in that cemetery took a celeb photographer to make sure everyone saw the idiot and mistress standing among the graves, what must those families think they couldn’t go but the traitor and mistress show up, same thing when they showed up at the school where parents were not allowed to go but they had their photographer to take pictures of them planting flowers the kids hadn’t a clue who they were, why plant flowers in a school they don’t know publicity again and again.They deserted the Queen and country for his money grubbing mistress stay in your mansion and so called rich celeb friends.

  • Guest

    For some reason they have given you my post, I wrote the above message and I am not redcoffee

  • dustycat

    You are reading the press again .

  • Jezz

    Why on earth did they leave the royal family if this kind of attention means so much to them! They would have gotten much more respected media coverage if they had remained being senior Royals attending the traditional service instead of this cheap and nasty photo publicity stunt! The Queen really needs to reel these two in because it was this kind of media stuff his mother Diana did which resulted in uncontrolled media frenzy interest and look where that ended. This is another situation where Harry is saying one thing and doing the opposite. All this crap about being worried about the media after what happened to his mother and now he does this! The entire point of this exercise was to encourage media interest. Please give people credit, we can see right through this narcissistic couple.

  • Guest

    Because. Selfish, narcissistic, I'm so important Duchess of Nothing didn't want to be told what to do.
    All she kept whinning about was
    "Her Voice"
    What about MY voice
    Don't I have a voice

    As a semi-recognized member of The Great Britain Royal Family Dynasty, she was a minor celebrity. Some were curious about her.
    That wasn't what she wanted. She wants to be the Focus of everything, yet have no restraint or concerns about the hundreds of years of Tradition. My way or NOTHING.
    Now, she has no family, friends and VOICE because we really just don't care about her.
    So,she's back to a nobody who wore a loaned Tiara for a day and……?

  • Guest

    Yeah. That was pathetic. I wish I could feel sorry for them…. But I can't.

    And for the record :
    Diana's favorite flower was the Cala Lily ….