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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Concerned She’s Gone Down The Pecking Order In Hollywood

Royal Family News says that Meghan Markle is concerned that she’s not the hot commodity that she once was. There’s a new report that suggests the Duchess of Sussex has apparently underestimated just how far down she’s gone in the Hollywood “pecking order” now that she’s not getting the offers that she thought she would be getting. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Concerned She’s Gone Down The Pecking Order In Hollywood

Even though Meghan Markle is more of a household name now that she’s married to Prince Harry then before, her Hollywood career still seems a bit stagnant.

Ever since she and Harry moved back to California, Meghan was hoping that the movie roles would come in but so far they haven’t and she can’t seem to understand why. 

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Concerned She’s Gone Down The Pecking Order In Hollywood

One source close to the situation even said, “I think it’s quite interesting to have known her to now see what it’s like in LA for her. I’ve got lots of friends who live there, who know what their reputation is like and it’s changed a lot. I think the thing is that you forget that in Hollywood royalty isn’t somebody with a title. It’s J.Lo, it’s Sharon Stone, it’s Beyonce, it’s the Kardashians. That’s their royalty.”

Not only that, but it seems like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are scratching their heads over why they are being ignored by the celebrity elite. That’s because they are not one of them. 

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?

The tipster added, “And also the Obamas or Clintons. If you’ve been in office, apart from Trump, then you’re seen as being a top dog. I think they have underestimated that in many ways. I think they came in and thought that the number one people on the block and they’re not really. They’re kind of quite far down really in that pecking order. And I think that’s been an issue with them, in that sense of stepping down.”

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Editorial credit: RobynCharnley /

  1. Dona says

    People in Hollywood don’t trust them. They have no idea if anything they say to with them is going yo be put in one of their books, netflicks, or say other enternet type media. They can’t count on them to even be honest about whT they might say. Look what they’ve said & how theyve treated their own families. Besides Megan’s a D list actress at best. She got where she’s at because of the people she’s used, & then dropped them when they were no further use to her.

  2. Ananda says

    Are the gruesome twosome forgetting that megain dissed Hollywood a while back? They seem to forget everything they’ve said or done all the time. I guess that’s why they lie so much about what has happened whether its in a netflix doc or hazbeen’s book, they make up stuff then convince themselves it’s true. Wonder what kind of drinks & drugs they’re doing that contribute to all this…must be good ones. That’s what they’re spending all that money on.

  3. noellastober says

    This is just the facts reported. They should have stayed across the pond and did their royal duties and they would have been well compensated for it. With no turning back now maybe M will learn she shot them both in the head, not even the foot. Rude awakening, hmmm. Meghan knew it all but just got bit in the booty big time and it is about time. Justice is being served a little at a time. You go for it Megs because we like to see you get your faces washed in crap. You surely washed the Brits faces in crap and now it is there turn to scrub yours. Americans have not been happy the way you treated our friends across the pond.

  4. D Lee says

    Meghan thought she had everything planned out and that everything would turn out the way she had planned it. She thought she was marrying a very rich royal when she started dating and then marrying Harry. However, she didn’t want to follow the royal rules and bucked the whole system. She was wailing to Harry all the time that she would end up dead just like his mother to pull all the right strings at all the right times. She feels she is “entitled”. When she did not want to conform and decided to get Harry to move to the US, she figured she would be in control of their every single move. She would be on her own turf and controlling their every move. She didn’t plan on the fact that Harry being a royal had security provided in the UK, as well as very nice housing, and all the other perks such as nice cars, airplanes and such. They stepped down from their royal duties and left for the US and didn’t look back. They made a deal to do an interview with Oprah of which there were many lies told to try to persuade viewers to be on their side as well as on their side away from the pond. Meghan figured they would be way up on the celebrity list in with others as well as invited to hobnob with celebrities. It is not the case. They are very far down on the list. The lies continue while they make money. They have made a lot of deals, but if they don’t produce, they will not be paid. Harry wrote a book, however there are a lot of parts of the book that most people find that one would never put in a book such as his frostbite, and who and wear he lost his virginity, as well as many other items that well, should stay private. The South Park is amazingly funny as it depicts exactly how Meghan and Harry want their cake and eat it too. They want their privacy but are constantly trying to get attention on them and attention away from the royals. They are like two spoiled brats that need to grow up and get real jobs because so far they really haven’t proven anything but the tangled lives and lies they weave.

  5. Mrs Ballard says

    From what I have read;she is a b class actress;who thinks more highly of herself,then others do.

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