Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Considering Several Offers To Pen A Tell-All Book

British royal family news reveals that if she ever decides to do so, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex has a lot of fodder for a tell-all book on the royal family. Before she and husband Prince Harry went rogue and ditched the fam, they lived among them, gathering stories and anecdotes, some of which have already been made public. Like Meghan’s pet name for palace aides: “vipers.”

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Now that Meghan Markle’s sister Samantha Markle has written her very own tell-all book about her life, titled The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister: Part 1, perhaps Meghan is feeling the pressure to do the same?

Royal Family News – Is Meghan Markle Writing A Tell-All?

When reports first surfaced about Samantha’s literary endeavor, there was a lot of chatter about what Meghan’s reaction might be. Dismay? Disappointment? Unbridled fury?

It was reported that Meghan was distressed by the thought of being skewered by the sister she reportedly no longer speaks to but now one of her friends has left the shadows to claim to Vanity Fair that Meghan couldn’t care less about the tome.

In fact, the source intimates, Meghan could just write her own version of events.

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Royal Family News – What Would Meghan Markle Title Her Book?

According to the source, Meghan has already had multiple offers from legit publishers to spill all the beans and tea about her experience with the royal family. And, gasp, Meghan is considering her options says the insider. Won’t the queen be happy to hear that!

“Meghan has some very serious book deals on the table. They are all up for consideration,” the friend shared.

Royal Family News – Is a Meghan Markle Tell-All Due Soon?

The truth is that Meghan and Samantha are such strangers to each other, Meghan fears nothing that she could possibly have to say about her the source claimed.

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“Meghan has not seen Samantha for years so the idea that she is worried about the book is nonsense,” they said. “Meghan barely knows Samantha, they haven’t seen each other for nearly 20 years.”

How soon might a Meghan Markle memoir hit the bookstores? First of all she has production deals with Spotify and Netflix who have already paid her cold hard cash to produce content, and so far crickets.

So it’s likely she has to satisfy them first before she indulges her ego. Then there’s the price to pay for tattling on her in-laws—would she risk it?

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